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Containers marked as [LOOTED]


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There are modifications out there that remove the [EMPTY] text shown on empty containers and corpses, but I'm wondering if there's a way to make it so that any container/corpse looted/checked by the Lone Wanderer can have a [LOOTED] text that is next to, or replaces, the [EMPTY] text that shows up. That way, I can keep track of all the containers or corpses I have already looted without needing to empty every one, or remember every container/corpse I've looted in the area.


A similar idea to that of the [HARVEST] Containers/Flora mod that was made for Oblivion, if anyone is familiar with that Oblivion mod.


Of course, there may have to be some modifications for containers that do respawn in vanilla Fallout 3 (or even other mods...)


If a mod like this already does exist, a link or exact name would be greatly appreciated. I tried searching fo3 nexus but couldn't find anything I was looking for.

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If you are looking to change the word 'Empty' to 'Looted' to remind you that you have already emptied the container, no offense, but what's the point? Empty and looted serve the same purpose. When you see the word 'empty' under a container name, that should remind you that you have already taken everything of value from it right? Aside from the simple cosmetic reason, I don't see much point in making this change and I doubt anyone else will either. You could try having a look at the container scripts in GECK and finding the line with Empty in it and changing it to looted I guess, but I don't know if that will work, I'm not very familiar with scripting yet. It's worth a shot though. Good luck man, I hope you can figure it out.
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That's not what he's going for. What he wants is something more useful than the current all-or-nothing system, where a container's either empty or not empty. What he wants--and it's a very cool idea--is something between "not empty" and "empty."


He (and I, and probably a lot of people) would like to be able to open a container, take (or don't) stuff out, and have it labeled as "LOOTED" whether it was empty or not. eg, you come across a box, you take out the MF Cells, but leave behind the empty soda bottle. Said box isn't empty, so it wouldn't have the EMPTY label when you look at it again. It'd be nice if it said LOOTED (or something to that effect) though, so you don't open it again next time you're passing through.


Basically, something to indicate whether a container's been looked in or not. I don't know scripting, so I don't know if it's even possible, but it'd be damn convenient.

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First of all, the "[EMPTY]" string is a game setting, which cannot be modified in a script (FOSE or otherwise). Secondly, even if FOSE allowed that to be modified, the container would actually have to be empty for that string to appear (whatever the contents of the string).


What would be more practical would be for something about the container to change graphically. Maybe a mod could make containers glow until they are looted, at which point they would stop glowing.

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I guess graphically would be better anyways. Allowing for a container to look like it's opened up would actually be more convenient then placing your mouse on every container to check for some text.


Most containers already have a "open up" animation anyways, unlike in Oblivion, though I'm sure it'll require a lot of work like the [Harvest] mods.

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