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Feature request: Punctuation and diacriticals


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If possible, it would be advantageous and very convenient to have the option of using characters apart from the allowed alpha-numeric-hyphen-and-underscore set when populating the file upload fields... as an example, I am currently confronted with how to best approach the upload of a mod that includes a possessive in the title ("King Alistair carries Maric's Blade in DAA").


My choices are either to rename the mod, to mispell the title, or to not share my work, and none of those appeals to me.


*submits request, respectfully*

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The allowable characters in the mod name is limited by the IPB software underlying the entire Nexus sites. Unless and until they change their product, there's nothing Dark0ne (or anyone else here) can do. The most common decision by other authors is to omit the possessive apostrophe, (although it sets my teeth on edge too when I see that done.)


I'm afraid the only orthographically correct solution is to re-name the mod. :sad:

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The allowable characters in the mod name is limited by the IPB software underlying the entire Nexus sites. Unless and until they change their product, there's nothing Dark0ne (or anyone else here) can do. The most common decision by other authors is to omit the possessive apostrophe, (although it sets my teeth on edge too when I see that done.)


I'm afraid the only orthographically correct solution is to re-name the mod. :sad:


Ah. Thanks for the quick response... I was afraid the culprit was something like that. *weeps openly*

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That's not actually true at all, Thandal :confused: Not sure where you got that from.


It's to do with how it makes our jobs harder dealing with apostrophes and other special characters in the back-end. Both from the very backend, in the SSH terminal, to the PHP code that manipulates the files. It was just easier for us to only allow certain characters.

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My apologies to TSM and IPB then! :confused:

I see the exact same restrictions on upload names to another IPB-based community I frequent, and one of their Admins told me it was a software limitation. (As with here, it must be their decision...)

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