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Adding eyes from other races to Cute Elves.


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I have tried transferring eyes from one race to another, and I get my custom Cute Elves race working... But when I try changing the eyes, I can't browse through the list of eyes. I know for sure that I added the new eyes I wanted to the Cute Elves list of eyes in TES4Con, and saved my custom ESP, and checked it, what else would I have to do to get it work??
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I have tried transferring eyes from one race to another, and I get my custom Cute Elves race working... But when I try changing the eyes, I can't browse through the list of eyes. I know for sure that I added the new eyes I wanted to the Cute Elves list of eyes in TES4Con, and saved my custom ESP, and checked it, what else would I have to do to get it work??


At first I was going to direct you to a thread on this, but I see you were the one asking the question (about glowing eyes) in that one. :P


If the eyes are there but you just can't switch between them, it might be another mod interfering. Do you have any others that add races (even non playable races)? For example, before my data corruption I had the mod that edits mannimarco from the mage's guild questline.. that particular mod caused that problem when I skipped over him in the character creation screen. I was able to get around it by disabling that mod, making my character, then turning it back on. There may be other solutions but temporarily disabling the conflicting mod was a viable workaround.

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It might be Beautiful People that is interfering... I'll try.




Nope not that one... Isn't there an eye mod out there? That gives access to several different eyes for alot of different races?

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It might be Beautiful People that is interfering... I'll try.




Nope not that one... Isn't there an eye mod out there? That gives access to several different eyes for alot of different races?


No. If you're gonna give new eyes to custom race, you'll need to open the plugin with CS, then add new eye records, add these new eyes to the race. And, you should assign correct texture for the eye meshes, otherwise you will see googly eyes. I think Cute Elves use Ren's eye meshes.....so you can't add any eyes for vanilla meshes or EE meshes(without texture converting), unless you changed eye meshes to other.

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I am not trying to convert the Vanilla eyes, I am trying to convert the eyes styles I can get from Beautiful People to Cute Elves. And I am afraid I didn't quite understand what you meant about all that mesh stuff.... I need to start learning with CS as all I have learned is how to create custom CM partners.
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I am not trying to convert the Vanilla eyes, I am trying to convert the eyes styles I can get from Beautiful People to Cute Elves. And I am afraid I didn't quite understand what you meant about all that mesh stuff.... I need to start learning with CS as all I have learned is how to create custom CM partners.


Then, open plugin with CS, give Elaborate Eyes meshes(which BP uses) to Cute Elves, and make new eye records(Character->Eyes) that uses EE textures, add them to race(Character->Race, Body Data tab).


**Difference of Eye textures:

Vanilla Eye meshes(Note: idkrrr's Saram race uses its own eye meshes, but UV mapping is same)



Ren's Eye meshes(Note: Corean eye mesh UV mapping is similar)



Elaborate Eyes



Sulhwa race and recent version of KF Mystic Elf eye texture is aligned R-L horizontal.

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Wait I don't need to Load Elaborate Eyes/ Beautiful People and Cute Elves before this?

btw I can't see the difference between the three first pictures... And the Elaborate Eyes thing I do drag them from EYES > to the > Body Data then I save my mod o_O Do I forget something during this process?



By the way I really appreciate the help people! I just felt like saying this since I seem to be demanding answers which is rude. THANKS ALOT FOR THE HELP SO FAR ^_^




Yeah I understand the thing with Meshes of eyes now! : D


Thing is I tried loading eyes from Beautiful People to Cute Elves, and I made it. BUT! The meshes are pretty much messed up, so one eye was fine (atleast 50% of it) and the other eye was turned the other way around! XD I compared the meshes once more and I now see I need similar meshes for this race! :D

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