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Firefly/Serenity World(s) Mod


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First of all, I don't own a PC of my own that can play the game. I have a friend who lets me borrow it. Still, I think this is a great idea for Fallout 3, since I play it a lot and would like to see this.


Basically, the world of the Firefly TV series, with it's Reavers, Alliance, and Browncoats, plus all the shiny worlds, dank and dirty wastelands, talk of slavery and prostitution, and endless degrees of et cetera, would perfectly make for a set of mods for Fallout 3, creating an interactive form of the series setting.


Instead of Fast Travel, the player could fly in Serenity. Reavers could be designed using Raider armor, and potentially, some semblance of space exploration could exist, but otherwise, most likely every planet will be preknown, and travel between them will carry risks of random encounters, much like in the original fallout games. With Mothership Zeta giving the world of Fallout a taste of space, I think the potential for this mod set to be a reality is quite complete.


I don't know how I can help, since I can't code, and I am typing this on a MacBook, but just let it be known that I'd really like to see this, and anyone else who is interested, not to mention those who'd like to make said mod, should make it known on this thread, I figure.


I hope this leads to a great realm of expansion in the Fallout 3 Mod-verse.



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I think it would be fantastic to see some Firefly weapons in Fallout 3, particularly Mal and Jayne's pistols and Jayne's assault rifle, Vera.
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