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A small twinkle of light slowly burns into the solid, humanoid form, of a heavily armored, yet extravegently robed Dunmer man, who materialises onto a stool near the bar...


Somthing seems out of place with this well dressed magelord, because though he is dressed in the finest Telvanni robes, he has Ashlander tribal tattoos over his face...


The stranger motions to the barkeep, and orders a bottle of fine Telvanni Wine, pours a glass and starts sipping... Deep in thought...

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Kain raised an eyebrow. "Call me what you will, we are all fools. I enjoy asserting my superiority over the pitiful wretches. Sometimes I insult the wrong man, or woman. No hard feelings I assume?"

He took a sip of his brandy, "About myself? Well I'm a sarcastic male without a father and I love it."

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HeLLL continues to laugh.


No hard feelings at all Kain. You are quiet right. In our own way we are all fools. Prehaps that is what makes us mortal.


HeLLL slowly stops his laughing and finishes his flin.


A sarcastic male without a father eh? Looks like we may have a bit of fun. So do you belong to a house or guild? Or are you like the old man next always complaining that back in your day children showed to adults?


HeLLL winks at Kain and a smile is still present on his face.

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"Pfff houses, guilds, conformity! I am loyal and work for myself only. Wizards are closest amongst men and mer to immortality. Although..." said Kain, turning his hand and studying it intently, then setting his cold eyes back to HeLL, "I am ready to lend some assistance...for the right price." said the Wizard flashing a dark smile.

"And watch your tongue. Do you want to know what happened to the fool who called me "gramps" ?!"

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My friend I have no need for your services. I am a Mage skifully trained in the school of destruction and conjuration and with that in mind I have had more battles than you have had dinners.


Though as a compainion I would consider. though I would not pay you, but what ever you find would be yours to keep. I lost my last compainion. Puff said he was a battle hardened wizard from Summerset Isle. So since he was an Altmer I gave him the benfit of the doubt. Dear me was I ever so wrong in judging his character. This wet behind the ears school boy couldn't even succesfully cast ANY spell. I spent more of my time keeping him save than fighting. In the end I told him that I would no longer allow him to travel with me, gave him 50 drakes to catch a ride back to Khuul from Fort Frostmoth and 3 days later I find him gutted and stuck to a tree. Damn ricklings.


HeLLL waives the bar tender over.


Kain, whats your poision. My shout.

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From inside the tavern the crack of lightning and the booming of thunder can be heard and suddenly a man apears at the doorway. He walk over to a table near ciddy and Helll and casts his cloak over shoulder.


He is a Bosmer but 6 ft tall, a giant among his kind, his cloak seems to refect his surroundings, beneath it lies an armour of glass, by his side he rests his daedric longbow and in his belt lies a dagger of flames.


The people of the bar can't seem to look into his eyes for within them lies a yellow tint, an animosity that may be unleased. He quickly scans the room for possible threats and then dismisses his other patrons.


He takes out a small ruby and orders a dagoth brandy from the barkeep. "Thankyou" he says with a smile which shows his unusally large canine teeth as the barkeep returns with his unusal order.


He nods to ciddy and helll and asks "Friends would you like to share a drink with me". He pours three glasses and waits for a reply. "I suffer from a curse and share little time for many are fearful of what I am"


"Kain still conjuring up scribs my friend" Davis laughs as he beckons the drow over. "Pull up a seat wizard of the dark and let as drink" Davis pours another drink and gives Kain a smile. "Not still smarting from that little lession I taught you last time we met are you, I only meant to disarm you not take off your arm" Davis says with a smirk. "But I see you have learned much since last we meet regenerating ones own arm is no cheap trick as you can see my hand is likewise reborn since are last encounter", "Let us drink and forget past hatreds my friend"

"Barkeep two more bottles of brandy if you please"


Davis then picks up his goblet and drains it "make that four bottles my friend"

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Kain considered HeLL's proposal. "The spoils of adventuring are price enough..." said he. "But do not make the mistake of assuming that I am less experianced than you. You'll find I am no creampuff--"

Kain's attention was averted by the Bosmer. "You again!" he hissed when Davis finished his rather lengthy slur of commentary. "I thought I was rid of you for good!" He sneered, but there was an air of amusment in his tone and it was to be seen that he was in a good humour. The Dagoth brandy released it's famliar pungent aroma's under his nose and he couldn't resist picking up the goblet. "And don't remind about the arm! You wouldn't want to know what I had to do to get it back....It still doesn't feel the same...." Kain took a generous sip of the brandy, swallowing it down. It was incredibly powerful. "Trying to drink me under the table are you? I guarantee you, I do not make the same mistakes twice!" He said with a broad smile.

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HeLLL nods to Davis and accepts a drink of the brandy.


Why thank you Davis. Much appreciated thanks. I see you and Kain have meet before.


HeLLL manages a smile.

HeLLLs attention turns to Kain.


Right your are my friend and do not think for one moment I doubted your skill. I am just a bit carefull now these days nothing personal. Do you study the art of Dark magic?

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A cloaked and less than impossing character enters the Tavern mostly unnoticed except by those with the keen eye. He scraps up a gem from the lineing of his cloak and pays the Bar Tender in advance. He scans the occupants and hides himself behind his hood. He then sits down on the stool closest to him while pulling out his short blade to sharpen it.


He turns to the first humorus reply heard and speaks "It sounds like a very nice life for a healer, but from the healers I have met flowers are not half of it. A good friend of mine was once a healer, he cured those sick with blight, fought off the unholy bearers of disease and horror. He also died trying to find a way to cure the divine disease. If you would, please do not speak lightly of healers If you are not one, Kain if that be your name. Excuse me if I seem rude or provoked but that is because I am. Oh yes, and you may call me Nevex if you would not prefer to call me by something of an other meaning."


Nevex then turns back to his blade and continues to sharpen it while raising a hand and calling to the Bar Tender for a drink.

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