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Nevex turns to the person who has just come into the bar. "Welcome friend, its good to see another cloak wearer, hah ha. Let me get you a drink, what would you like? Oh yes, and by the way, my name is Nevex."


Nevex coughs after hearing Kain's drunken exclaimation.

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Now people is this any way to behave?


HeLLL looks towards kain.


So Kain may I assume that you may be likened to that of a hippy?


Once again HeLLL starts to smile.


I suppose skooma is a bleesing in disguse.


HeLLL starts laughing again. This time even harder.


Oh dear I think I have had one too many to drink.


HeLLL looks towards raziel.


Dir sir I must say I have never seen such skin as yours before. May I enquire where you are from?

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"Hey!!!" Kain exclaims as the goblet goes flying out of his hands and hits the floor, brandy spilling across the floor. The Wizard stares sadly at the ruined beverage. Presently he looses his balance and falls off the chair, hitting the wooden floor loudly. "Aha!" he screams as he jumps up, scrambling to his chair. He is brandishing a cube of salt proudly. "Look what I found!!!" He yells to noone in particular, "It's a DIAMOND!!!! Ah hey hey! Look with your eyes not with your hands my friend!!!" He shouts to an invisible foe and snatches the "diamond" away.

Suddenly Kain's mood changes, and he sits down hard in his chair, sobbing loudly. "When I didn't do my chores my father would beat me with a bag of salt!!!" he wailed, tears pouring from his eyes, "Oh Papa why are you hurting me?!! I love you Papa don't hurt me please!!" The wizard continues bawling and pounds the table.

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Barely able to contain a straight face though slightly troubled by Kain's acts and outbusts, he reaches over and puts a hand on kains shoulder to hand him a actuall diamond to see if it will calm him down.

"Sera, please if you would take a look at this instead of what you are actually holding. If you promise me to calm your drunken self you may keep it as a tolken of my thanks."

Nevex then goes back to his blade while taking a swig from his bottle.

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