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Seran strides into the tavern in search of Armiena. He calls out for her & when there is no reply he says out around...


She makes my tretchourous deeds look like laughs & giggles. She has been harbouring this Lycan the whole time. She warned it of our presence. Which explains its dissapearance. By god how could i be so blind?

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"i once read that the blind rabbit is not as blind as the deaf dogs aunt"


Dertuin then has a puzzled look on his face


"i think thats how it goes, i read it a long time ago"


he then pulled out his black dagger


"do you know where we may find this Armiena

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Nay I do not know where we can find her....


Says Seran with a glum expression on his face.


We should lie in wait for her here, but I can tell you my friend I think that the Lycan is long gone. She would have warned it away from these lands & in it's human form it could travel almost anywhere undetected. I can also tell you i have lost my tase for hunting the dammed beast. I wish only now to have a good drink & a tall tale & wait for my next assignment.


He searches around the tavern for a place to sit, but all the seats seem to be taken..

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Erunánion wakes up after what seems like a very, very long sleep. He lifts his head of the table, and looks around blearily at the new faces that fade into view. He orders a drink, but it comes out as a mangled snarl. He coughs loudly, startling several of the nearby patrons, then grabs the bottle on his table and upends it into his mouth. A few solitary drops slide down his throat, so he drops the bottle and leans back against the wall, hoping for someone to sit down so he could share his hangover time with.
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Erunánion looks up at his guest. "Please do. I could use the company." He leans back again and gestures top the seat acroos the table from him. "So, what brings you to this... establishment?"
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Armiena listens to Seran, unnoticed, as she is currently using a chameleon spell.


So, now they're hunting me... All because I didn't let those butchers kill Titanius. May the Valar help them....

She resists the urge to take out her spear and end Seran's life quickly. Instead, she spends the night in a vacant house.

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The imperial had been eying the one that was gripping the spear.He walks over and sits beside them:"Would any of you like a drink I have....

Cyrodilic Brandy,flin,shein,greef and mazte


So have any of you been to the new establishment in the ascadian isles


Its a big fort called fort silvermoth,I am the general there.

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