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FMR Spell Script + Requiem


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You shouldn't be getting errors now. It should compile fine. I forgot to reset the variables to 0 after the first debug (the second debug was an afterthought), but that wouldn't cause errors. What are the errors, I'm updating the script so it resets the variables like it should). Just post the whole error log and tell us what the line number for the event's start is. Just put the cursor on the Event OnEffectSTart() line (so you could type there), and the bottom right corner of the window will tell you what line it is.

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I updated the script. But it you can ignore that. Don't bother with it (unless you really want to). It looks like it is in fact the function itself. Nothing we can change within the script event would fix the issue as far as I can think of off-hand. If I think of a way to do it, I'll let you know. But honestly, I'm not particularly hopeful. You'll need to figure out how Requiem is messing with that function.

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I've messaged Ogerboss to ask him, see if i get a reply, the only option i can think of beyond that is to use a different targeting method, possibly an invisible projectile like other mods use, (namely Sjoggas Psijic Teleport Spells as an example) Thanks for your help in identifying the issue though Xander! You've been awesome.



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Let me know how this works.




Event onEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	if (akCaster.HasMagicEffect(vPHOECDFF))
		debug.trace("FMR ---> Phoenix Strike failed because of cooldown.")
	caster = akCaster
;	target = caster.getCombatTarget()
;	if ( target ) && ( target.getFlyingState() == 0 )
		if (bMain)
			vs.UpdateXP(sIndex = sIndex, fMin = 5.0, fMax = 10.0, fGrowth = 1.5, bQuiet=0)
		caster.doCombatSpellApply(PHOECD, caster)
		fx1 = caster.getPositionX()
		fy1 = caster.getPositiony()
		fz1 = caster.getPositionz()
		fx2 = target.getPositionX()
		fy2 = target.getPositiony()
;		fx2 = target.getPositionX() + (120 * Math.Sin(target.GetAngleZ()))
;		fy2 = target.getPositiony() + (120 * Math.Cos(target.GetAngleZ()))
		fz2 = target.getPositionz()
		debug.trace("FMR ---> Phoenix Strike moving the player character now.")
		caster.translateto(fX2, fY2, fZ2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3000.0)
;	else
;		dispel()
;		if ( target )
;			debug.trace("FMR ---> Phoenix Strike failed because target is flying.")
;		else
;			debug.trace("FMR ---> Phoenix Strike failed because target is None.")
;		endif





I don't know how the rest of the script is running or how the secondary effect works, so this might not work at all. It basically appears it only needs the target to make sure it's not flying. I just took that out. It'll now work on dragons even though it isn't supposed to, but at least it'll work. That is, if it works lol.

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Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "vRiftEffectScript"...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\vRiftEffectScript.psc(45,1): mismatched input 'endif' expecting ENDEVENT
No output generated for vRiftEffectScript, compilation failed.

Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on vRiftEffectScript

Was the result, compiled it anyway, not sure if it worked though, because i still got the caster updates in the top left of the screen and i don't see that in the coding :S

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