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FMR Spell Script + Requiem


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The script should be fine altering the spell to target/projectile, the Time Slow portion of the spell are cast on Caster rather than Target. I came pretty close to a work around by doing this, (using akTarget and adjusting how the spell behaved) however the second half of the script doesn't seem to work either. Event OnTranslationComplete() was stopping the Time Slow and Push away functions from working. I tried replacing it with OnEffectFinish, which although worked caused the effects to be slightly delayed. You would charge to the target and half a second or so later the time slow/Knock back would happen.


In addition to this it removed the AoE knock down effect of the spell (only knocked down a single target), not totally sure why. Maybe because getCombatTarget() affects all the targets you're in combat with rather than just the one the spell was applied to. I did try adding an explosion effect to the Time Slow portion of the spell to try and create a knock back but it was causing issues with the Time Slow not working.


Not sure if any of this info will be of use to anyone ^^. Hadn't even looked at the creation kit/papyrus until trying to help Beccy with this problem

Edited by Shomru
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None that i saw, i was looking.


Also, i just had a reply from Ogerboss (Requiem Author) Saying he's no idea how his mod could overide or interfere with the GetCombatTarget function, though the function isn't greatly documented on the CK Wiki Its possible its interfering in a way he's unaware of. He did however point out that for akTarget to function properly the CK aspects of the spell need to be adjusted to Target/Projectile rather than Self - However i think this is going to stop the spell from working because all the other effects of the spell are basically on Self,


From what i gather (With my limited brain!) The spell looks for a target, moves you to their position then slows time and knocks down neaby targets, the target of the spell is never the 'epicenter' just the source of the location for your players movement. unless i'm wrong.





Oh! and get to bed! :tongue: I've waited 2 weeks to get this far with a fix, you've done more than enough already. Mush, Sleep.

I'm going to give up on my previous attempt. It was a half-hearted attempt to at least me the spell do something, but it would never have worked properly, anyway, so it's not really worth the effort of making it work. And the akTarget for a cast on self spell is the caster, or at least, that's what seems to be the case based on a few instances. That's why GetCombatTarget() was being used instead.


Off the wall thinking... Not even sure how to do it...


Create another spell that uses target/projectile rather than self.

Use the first spell to cause the caster to cast the second spell at the target


Since the first spell's script can get the target for moving the caster to that spot, then it should be able to be passed off as the target for the second spell.


No, no, that was the problem. So far, we've never successfully found and stored the target. I originally thought my latest script had done just that, but he didn't get the notification "Actor found", which means target was never filled. Unless I misunderstood you. Feel free to correct me. I do think a second spell is the way to go, though. I'm just wondering if we can alter your idea a bit. Cast another spell at target, and have the target manually passed into this. It'll get more complicated since Skyrim doesn't natively allow accessing an ActiveMagicEffect, but it might be a working solution that actually leaves the rest of the spell intact (doesn't work on dragons still) and doesn't require the weird look away/look back. The only way I know to access an AME is to have the AME register itself with a script outside itself, like a quest, when it starts, and unregister itself when it stops. Or just have the quest watch a property in a quest script for it to be filled (which would be done by the other spell), and once it is, use that.


The script should be fine altering the spell to target/projectile, the Time Slow portion of the spell are cast on Caster rather than Target. I came pretty close to a work around by doing this, (using akTarget and adjusting how the spell behaved) however the second half of the script doesn't seem to work either. Event OnTranslationComplete() was stopping the Time Slow and Push away functions from working. I tried replacing it with OnEffectFinish, which although worked caused the effects to be slightly delayed. You would charge to the target and half a second or so later the time slow/Knock back would happen.


In addition to this it removed the AoE knock down effect of the spell (only knocked down a single target), not totally sure why. Maybe because getCombatTarget() affects all the targets you're in combat with rather than just the one the spell was applied to. I did try adding an explosion effect to the Time Slow portion of the spell to try and create a knock back but it was causing issues with the Time Slow not working.


Not sure if any of this info will be of use to anyone ^^. Hadn't even looked at the creation kit/papyrus until trying to help Beccy with this problem

Well, it's a heck of a lot closer than my sleep addled brain managed haha. I'm slightly confused about the GetCombatTarget() affecting everyone. The script calls the function, but only once, in an event that only fires once, and only uses the information provided for a single run of the script. The only GetCombatTarget() could affect everyone, then, would be by returning an array. But it doesn't do that. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you're lying; it just makes me wonder how the knockback was actually working to begin with.



Okay guys, I'm going to go work on this book tracking mod I'm making, but I'll keep this issue in mind. At the moment, I think I'm just going to resort to downloading the two mods myself and tinkering them into submission personally. If someone else gets it working first, fantastic.

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Keep me updated Xander, if i don't respond here message me, and good luck with your book tracking mod! keep me updated on that one too :D i have book related acheivements i need to complete!


And thanks again Shomru, Xander + Ishara for your help and suggestions.



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Yeah I couldn't really work it out either, I couldn't find any other part of the script or any other related spell that would cause the AoE Knock Back so the .getCobatTarget() was just what I guessed was happening but I could have missed something/be wrong.

Edited by Shomru
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Well, I finally got the book mod uploaded. Unfortunately, that means I've been up for 22 hours. I'm gonna get some sleep. But good news: I mentioned I was helping on two mods, making one, and helping a guy who's trying to make his own mod. Well, all the others are resolves, so I can focus on this one when I get some time tomorrow.

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Okay, I downloaded them and was working on this but I couldn't get anywhere. I got stuck before even making it to this issue. Those two mods just do not like each other, it seems. I don't know what was going on, but properties that I filled kept clearing themselves, scripts simply didn't run, and other assorted issues. Sorry to say it, but I'm not going to be able to help.

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