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say for example, I kill dogmeat. How do Fawkes, RL-3, etc. know that I did it? I killed Dogmeat so that I could get another follower but then when I went to get Fawkes, he started blasting the crap outta me. So did RL-3.


Yup! Mild roast, but a roast it is. And I laughed at your dilemma because I have had that same experience with different companions.




I understand that the game is a game, but I found where I live when we have to hunt for food in tough times. Animals have many pounds of steaks, many pounds of burger, a couple of good rump roasts, not to mentions enough strips to make several bags of Jerky. The Native Americans I have known, maybe some of them are playing the game, theywould understand completely. Two eyes, two ears, four hooves, a tail, etc. Where's the Meat?

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Four eyes, four ears, four hooves, a tail, etc. Where's the Meat?


Fix't! :D


And how come so much of the stuff we find in the wastes is still lying around after 200 years? Particularly, the nuka cola machines: why is there still nuka cola in them, especially the ones with raiders around 'em? Can only the Lone Wanderer operate a vending machine? They do seem to be fairly indestructible, after all! And how the hell does the Wanderer get a nuka cola out of it anyway, without any pre-war coins? Caps are post-war currency! Maybe the vending machines are pretty stupid, with indiscriminate and stupid-wide coin accepters, and the Wanderer really DOES pay with a cap--a cap on a string, so she can get it back!


And to bring back the corpse-stripping thing, of COURSE I strip the corpses! But only females--men taste nasty, and so does clothing. Mmm, flesh...

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Fix't! :D


And to bring back the corpse-stripping thing, of COURSE I strip the corpses! But only females--men taste nasty, and so does clothing. Mmm, flesh...


That's because inexperienced cook's tell us, males who can't cook, to eat what they prepared because it's good for us.



If I was a young game mod crew member at Bethesda responsible for the idea of Nuka-Cola machines, my ears would be heating up from all the heat coming from your post right now. lol


I think you covered every possible piece on the topic that could be roasted. lol heh heh heh.


Seeds, where's the cryogenics lab I have heard so much about when you need them seeds?

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Not sure how good of a roaster I am, but here are three things that kind of bug me.



1). When I talk to either James or Madison Li about how I left the vault, they both act like I did something stupid by 'leaving one o the safest places in the wasteland'. I wish there was an option to say "Yeah, about that... the overseer in that vault is insane! He had his security team beat Jonas to death with their police batons because he might have helped James leave. The entire security force in that vault was armed with guns and shooting at me on sight just for being related to Dad! Unless Dads big plan for my future involved me dying horribly or being forced to murder a significant portion of the vaults inhapitants out of self-preservation and somehow pacify the rest of them... well, lets say that Dads plan doesn't exactly measure up with any sort of reality. Oh, and this is the same guy who apparently ran halfway across the wasteland past Super Mutants and raiders without any sort of armor or weapons. So don't give me that "It's safer in the vault." garbage because frankly it isn't."


Not really a big thing but maybe a dialog option or two to point out that the vault wasn't exactly safe to stay in might have been nice.



2). My playstyle tends to put me more on the good end of the spectrum because I tend not to kill or upset people in towns so that I can do business there safely. Unfortunately, that makes it a bit difficult for me to get RL-3 and Clover as followers... both of whom I have to pay to get. Clover is a slave, what does Eulogy care if I'm not the type of person that shoots people in the back regularly? Even if Clover is bored as heck that I'm shooting and eating Raiders instead of Megaton Settlers then what does Eulogy care as long as I give him the caps? As for RL-3... I should at least be able to wait until I get my science up to 75 or 100 or something or get Robotics Expert and while RL-3 and his owner are looking the other way I just flip open RL-3's maintenance hatch and reprogram him into not being so picky about who owns him... or just make him think that I'm his new owner without having to buy him. Or just shut him off.


Me: Hi there, I'm looking to buy a robot.


Mister Tinker: Sorry, these two here are display models and this other one RL-3 just shut down mysteriously and I can't get him to do anything. I think his brain is ruined or something.


Me: Gee bad luck, anyway I just was looking for something to rip open for scrap metal and since this guy over here is all broken then I could save you a trip to the dumpster and take him off your hands.


Mister Tinker: Okay, sure you can have him for 50 caps.


Me: Deal!


After Tinker wanders away I just tap in the code to get RL-3 out of his shutdown mode.


Me: Heh heh... the perfect crime.


RL-3: What was that?


Me: *reprograms him again* The perfect crime.


RL-3: yes... master...



3). And finally... from an ethical standpoint, shouldn't I be getting positive Karma for enslaving raiders? I mean, I would think that killing somebody would be worse than enslaving them since there is always the hope that a slave could go free but there is no hope that a dead person could come back to life. Since I don't get any bad karma for killing raiders then why do I get bad karma for putting collars on them and sending them off to Paradise Falls where they might get put to good use working in the Pitt to help restore civilization and all that? Who knows, maybe getting whipped and beaten repeatedly by the Pitt Raiders will inspire the Raiders I enslave to improve themselves and stop attacking people on sight?


Paradise Falls is probably the closest thing in the wasteland to a jail as you can get!

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I couldn't of said it better. And you are a creative writer like so many of us. With some talent too I might add.


Welcome to the Forum!


Thank you.



A few more:



1). Why can't I administer stimpacks to people? There are some NPCs out there who I want to be kept alive who manage to get themselves killed or injured, like the various wasteland captives or my own allies. I know with my followers I can offer to trade equipment and give them stimpacks, but sometimes after a battle I look at Charon or Clover or RL-3 and notice that they are missing a fair chunk of their health and no matter how many times I go to sleep they don't seem to heal themselves. I wish they could include a dialog option to just have me heal up my allies using stimpacks like how I heal dogmeat.




2). I kind of wish I could feed dogmeat some molerat meat or something... I suspect that dogs would prefer eating the flesh of their enemies more than they would enjoy getting poked with needles... heh, maybe have an option to give dogmeat the cannibal perk or something so he can eat the corpses of our foes? Even if that was bugged so that friendly NPCs started turning hostile to him when they catch him eating human corpses then you could explain it away that they were afraid he's gone maneater on them. Then the player could have a choice between keeping dogmeat as a 'eat only when fed' dog and require maintenance or teach him to feed himself in which you run the risk people thinking hes just another vicious dog.


Then if dogmeat goes wild... he might start attacking allies and yourself and force you to kill him Old Yeller style. I know, nobody wants that fate for their dog much less such a lovable mutt like Dogmeat... but sometimes you just have to accept that if you don't take care of your pets then you can't keep them.


James: Okay son, my father told me this and I'm going to tell you this now. If you ever get a dog, remember to feed them regularly and never let them eat human corpses. If you're in a fix and for some reason do have to feed your dog human flesh so that both of you can survive then please just get a knife and get the meat off the corpse yourself so you can feed it to him. Once dogs start thinking that its okay to take big bites out of people (dead or alive) then its only a matter of time before something bad happens.


Me: ...what? We're in a vault, Dad. And we don't have any dogs down here... why, why are you telling me this?


James: Um, just in case... you know... you never know when you find yourself ... in a situation like that. But its important to know about such things in the rare event that it turns up. Your grandfather would never want one of his descendants to go through what he had to.


Flashback to a stormy night in the past, Grandpa Wanderer is a teenage boy looking at his pet dog Boulder. Boulder rips out a piece of flesh from the still-warm corpse of a female wastelander. The dog looks at the boy curiously as blood drips from his maw. The boy lifts up the nozzle of a flamethrower.


Grandpa Wanderer: *sniff* Sorry boy, I know it's not your fault... but this is for the best. There's no pain where you're going, boy. *pulls the trigger and tears stream from his eyes as his pet dog erupts in flames*


James: ... which reminds me. Also, if you're going to train to use ranged weapons then go with small guns, they're cheaper and easy to use than most other stuff. Or at least make sure you've got a hunting rifle on hand if you feel you'll have to put your dog down. Flamethrowers are not good ways of putting down cherished childhood pets.


Me: ...


James: Trust me, this is the closest I'm ever going to get to giving you good advice.



3). And... maybe have some way to just hand equipment to people instead of being forced to reverse-pickpocket them. Or better yet, just change it so that reverse-pickpocketing stuff to people doesn't give bad karma and doesn't turn them hostile (unless you put an explosive in their pocket in which case you're given the option of giving it as a gift or as a life bomb... and treat the change as such.). This way you can easily equip captive wastelanders you set free or other people like the caravan merchants or whatnot. Since I tend to strip the corpses of every raider I run into then I often have alot of weapons and armor that I really don't need anymore and are just taking up space until I can convert them to caps. If I free a captive wastelander and hand her a spare set of clothes and a gun to help her on her journey home then I think it would be perfectly fine... heck, maybe there could be a sort of anti-Paradise Falls where the captive wastelanders go (like Megaton or Rivet City). For every captive you free then they arrange for a little reward to the person who rescued them... and maybe give you half the caps value of the equipment you give them (as if you had sold the equipment without putting any points in Barter, since the captive probably got slightly more than 50% of the worth and kept the extra as money to get themselves back on their feet).


So the captive wastelanders are changed from just little random people who might give you a stimpack or two or a bit of good karma to a useful way to offload your equipment clutter.



4).I think with the captive wastelanders and those three kids you rescue from lamplight then it would be nice if you could escort them home safely. Like when you are heading to Rivet City with your Dad after rescuing his sorry behind Tranquility Lane then you have the option of going with him, in which case he pretty much makes a beeline for Rivet City and sort of stops where he is if you wander too far away. I found it interesting to follow him (I tend to follow NPCs across the wasteland because it helps me discover the places they run past) but when I try escorting the three Lamplight kids they just started running without grouping together or anything. In the end I lost track of all of them except Squirrel (the little girl was last seen being chased off into the distance by a radscorpian and the other boy ran off into the underbrush or something.) I mean, I spend 1200 caps to buy them off Eulogy to free them (Like I said before, I try to avoid massacring towns... even if they are slavers... which I still see as pretty neutral since the majority of people I enslave are Raiders) and they just run off in a disorganized mass ready to get eaten by wasteland monsters or brutally messed up by raider parties (again, slavers look like they would grab the kids and send them back safely to resell them later, Raiders would royally %*^$ the kids up and probably use their corpses for food, fun, or decoration. Kids, stay with uncle Lone Wanderer or if things go south run towards the nearest slaver party but don't run around where vicious dogs or Raiders can see you!)


Anyway, I would like to basically say "Hey there, I rescued you from a fate worse than death. Here's some armor and weapons I looted off the corpses of raiders and super mutants I decapitated with my flaming lawn-mower blade sword. Just head for safety and I'll follow to provide cover support from all the monsters around here. Oh, and as for payment... you can pay me back once you have more than just the clothes on your back and a handful of 10mm bullets with no gun. I mean, no offense, but I might accept them if one of those giant bear things bit your head off and I had to loot your corpse. But right now I want you to use that to keep yourself alive and get back on your feet when you hit civilization... so I can extort money from you when you have some. Ha ha, just kidding (not really)."



Lone Wanderer: Being rescued by me is marginally better than dying horribly in the wasteland!

Wasteland Captives: Yay!



5). Why can't I target individual body parts with melee weapons or unarmed strikes in V.A.T.S. ? I know it would require a bit of extra animation or something to move the Lone Wanderer around so he can hit specific limbs, but I wouldn't complain if the damage was just 'magically' redirected towards one limb... or if the accuracy thing was off so that while I might aim for their gun-wielding arm then I still keep hitting their torso or the other arm. I just want to be able to knock guns out of people hands with a baseball bat.


6). I don't get any rep. One thing I like is the Animal Friend perk that makes animals stop attacking me... which is great because then I can sneak-attack critical them from behind easier. What I would like is a perk that makes all those Raiders and Talon Company guys know they can't mess with me. I know, that would take away a good amount of XP I can gain in the waste but I can imagine walking through the wasteland and a bunch of raiders or Talon Company mercs show up and say "All right meat lets have some fu... oh crap it's that guy! Run for it!" and then they drop their weapons and take off running... and then I blow their legs up with a missile launcher. I mean, they'd start fighting back once I attack them but I think the fact that my weapons are stripped from the corpses of raiders, and my armor is patched with exploded raider armor, and I literally eat Raiders for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert and mid-battle snacks... and wash it all down with blood-packs and radioactive water that lets me heal my limbs instantly (I don't drink nuka-cola... I make bombs out of it and drink the blood of my victims) I think the fact that I kill Deathclaws on a regular basis using weapons crafted from their own severed limbs might clue people into the fact that I don't go down easily.


Raider: Hey punk, get ready to die.


Me: I have a better idea, why don't you dirtbags collect all the stuff in your base, hand it to me, then strip naked and give me all your weapons and armor, and then chop off your own right index fingers and give them to me, and then put on this slave collar and walk your ass down to Paradise Falls. There's a bunch of Enclave soldiers back there that I have to kill and eat and you bugs are in my way.


Raider: What... that... doesn't make any...


Me: Wrong answer! *whips out shishka bob and gets to work*

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6). I don't get any rep. One thing I like is the Animal Friend perk that makes animals stop attacking me... which is great because then I can sneak-attack critical them from behind easier. What I would like is a perk that makes all those Raiders and Talon Company guys know they can't mess with me. I know, that would take away a good amount of XP I can gain in the waste but I can imagine walking through the wasteland and a bunch of raiders or Talon Company mercs show up and say "All right meat lets have some fu... oh crap it's that guy! Run for it!"


As dawn breaks over the raider encampment, Jack makes his way off to a bush and unzips. Stretching as he relieves himself, he just happens to look upward, and spots a pig-tailed form crouching on a nearby roof. "Oh, poo..." are his last thoughts as the tight red beam of energy burns a hole in his forehead, instantly setting his blood to boiling and causing his head to explode.


The mysterious pig-tailed sniper stands up, and shouts, in her childish voice, "You got 10 seconds to clear out!" The remaining raiders look up, and seeing the pig-tailed girl, cry out in terror.


"It's that crazy *ban* kid that took out all of Springvale by herself! RUN!"


With all the agility of a monkey, the girl hops down to ground level, laughing the whole time as a half dozen raiders run for their lives from... the cutest thing to ever sneak-crit headshot a deathclaw.




"And I even left Fawkes at home this time," she giggles to herself as she rummages among the loot left behind.

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Young Authors of stories and delights read on.


evilneko you have got the dialog lines separated like they are in books. Bravo!


Rossum. Dig your ideas and I see your dialog is buried in your thinking. That is the ancient wizardry of writing, in you both, that is working its way out of you as you are criticizing other peoples work and seeing how you can do it your way and better.

Wizardry takes editing, reading, rewriting, editing, reading, rewriting.


evilneko you appear to be getting the hang of it as you seem focused from practice or you have a knack for it. I only know of one other author who could sit down a write and have very few edits on one page after typing out two or three. You may know of the author or others authors I have no knowledge of yet.


Let the passion that drives you burn and write without stopping. Until you have to that is. SAVE and reread your writing, find the parts that give your story life, "dialog you see and space it in your words".


Do that all the time when you are writing and you will save time in your reread and editing.

Let your thought out through your fingers tapping.


It would look like the suggestion all the time as I am suggesting to Rossum. Write that way too Rossum separating any dialog you think of by this practice as you write.


Rossum save time as you spill your brains out in words, write with spaces for the dialogs like evilneko did in her last post. Leave your thoughts around them as they are and reread them to see if you get the stories drift that is emerging in your thoughts. You will see your story in your writing begin to emerge. What I mean is like this:


6). I don't get any rep. One thing I like is the Animal Friend perk that makes animals stop attacking me... which is great because then I can sneak-attack critical them from behind easier. What I would like is a perk that makes all those Raiders and Talon Company guys know they can't mess with me. I know, that would take away a good amount of XP I can gain in the waste but I can imagine walking through the wasteland and a bunch of raiders or Talon Company mercs show up and say


"All right meat lets have some fu..."


"oh crap it's that guy! Run for it!"


and then they drop their weapons and take off running... and then I blow their legs up with a missile launcher. I mean, they'd start fighting back once I attack them but I think the fact that my weapons are stripped from the corpses of raiders, and my armor is patched with exploded raider armor, and I literally eat Raiders for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert and mid-battle snacks... and wash it all down with blood-packs and radioactive water that lets me heal my limbs instantly (I don't drink nuka-cola... I make bombs out of it and drink the blood of my victims) I think the fact that I kill Deathclaws on a regular basis using weapons crafted from their own severed limbs might clue people into the fact that I don't go down easily.



You are adding all your idea's and scenery which you can edit to their proper places to make a story emerge.


evilneko with a little trimming of excessive amounts of words in your sentences pointing out your action descriptive points you would have me waiting for the next issue.


(Picture) As dawn breaks over the raider encampment Jack makes his way off to a bush and unzips. Stretching as he relieves himself, he looks upward. He spots a pig-tailed form crouching on a nearby roof. ( Excellent full light picture you have there too. If she's got her back to the sun she would be a black shadow to Jacks eye view.)


As Jack starts to duck, "Oh, poo..." . (I know another word that would fit where poo is but I would bet it would get banned.)


(I can envision this) as the tight red beam of energy burns a hole in his forehead, (Picture) the veins on his face expand; his head explodes.


Using words to describe a few frames of a motion picture is worth the extra work when it makes the readers mind envision it too.


evllneko I would have been crouching behind a boulder waiting for you to get your loot and leave so I could get my overloaded loot bag to the next trading post. Edit, rewrite, and read. Move the parts around like a jig saw puzzle until they connect. Your thoughts are passions, write while the thoughts are emerging warmed by your spirit until you find you have run out of strength. Revitalize your body and if you still feel the charge from where you left off write until you need another break, and so on until you have to stop because you have so much material you need to see what you have written. Then the task of reading, correcting mis-spelled words, and rewriting can be a splendid rehearsal for a real life play.


Are you two good? You already know, as your thoughts are emerging story lines, your good or maybe bad. Is it going to be a habit of yours in your spare time? It's the power of the other writers of good works who have influenced you that is driving you. Via your opinion of their works. If you feel rash heat and firery discontent for their words and it fires up your mind to spill words into text write in your notes and don't disclose your feelings to the world until you have a book to sell. Sometimes you don't want to disclose them for they might cause your books not to sell. So choose wisely young authors and reap the rewards of painstakingly editing until the next windfall brings you a check that will pay for all your efforts.


One percent inspiration, ninety nine percent perspiration. (That's, "sweat" in guy language.)



I'm done here, you two are ready for a professional instructor. I hope your fave authors are creative writing teachers as well. Or you see your own writings emerge in a dialog with what you have read so it becomes a best seller.


The best actors, that made the big screen alot, read stories to children in the libraries on different days, their faves, and they knew their own lines as they spoke them. While they spoke them on the film shoots their words emerged as if magically and began transforming them into the character in the book. That book they read to chldren was so well engrained in their memories it was a cinch for them in the movies they were the lead actors in. The Pit and the Pendulum. The House of Ushers! "Vincent Price" is the example.


You two probably tell stories to others with ease as street story tellers used to do. Writing them down takes a bit more practice.


Hallmarks, DVD, "Arabian Nights" Alan Bates who has a street story teller part, really shines in the movie. That is he will, once you see your doing the same things with your words.


Writing is forgiving if you let your words roll off your mind on to the keyboard until your well spring of words runs dry and then edit, reread, edit, readjust the pictures and dialog, etc.


Would you like to guess how many times I have edited this post to get the words that will express my thoughts to you well enough so you get the ideas?

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I did use that other word, but the forum auto-censors "bad words," something I find odd given those same bad words are commonly used in the game we're discussing here. Then again, this forum predates Fallout 3 and was originally devoted to TES 3 and 4, and I don't think I've heard any npc in Oblivion say the four letter word for excrement.


another chapter in the adventures of loli girl

Yep, too bad it can't be true. No matter how many raider heads I asplode, or how many I burn down with the Firelance, they just keep running up to me with lead pipes and baseball bats. "Kuroe Four" seriously needs a fear radius like an AD&D dragon....or maybe even the tarrasque. Took out Springvale? poo, this "little girl" took out half the frikkin' Enclave and delivered fresh clean water to the wasteland. Raiders and Talons should fear her, and those bastards (watch, that'll get auto-censored) in Rivet City should stop calling her "lowlife" -- hey, that was Kuroe Three, the purple-haired, flat-chested adult that did that anyway! Piss off, will ya!


Yeah, I'm goin' for the tall tale-style "one character made up of many people" thing. How else do you explain the Lone Wanderer going from big-busted, black-haired, deathclaw fodder to a deliciously-flat-chested, purple-haired energy weapon enthusiast, to a blonde girl with a firelance, laser sniper, and pig-tails? ;)


My next playthrough I think will be just one person though: a cute little firebug who sets things alight when she's bored. She'll probably jump at the chance to blow Megaton to smithereens. ;)


You two probably tell stories to others with ease as street story tellers used to do.

Actually I'm horribly socially inept.

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