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Stop people from bugging you with pointless trivia!


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So after several playthroughs of Skyrim, I've noticed that I have a problem with the NPC's.


They talk. They talk too dang much.


As an example, I was doing the College of Winterhold starter quest. As a good little RPer, I was walking with the group (going a little slower than everyone else, too, which is a mystery). And when we were walking, single file down the college line, the guy (I think it was Onmund) stops in the middle of the college path-way (you know, that very narrow pathway that leads from Winterhold to the College) and he spouts something about how the college is looked down on by the rest of Skyrim.


Ummmmm...okay? We were going somewhere, do you think you could keep going.


So, with some fancy platforming, I was able to go around and get ahead of him, only for Tolfdir, who was at the front of the group, to stop, turn to me, and tell me how I give an old man hope.


...we were going somewhere, senile. Let's get too it.


So I'm irritated and I fast travel, retrieve the (censored) and come back. Only, I got stuff to sell, like after any good dungeon crawl, so I make my way to the local pawnshop. This guard starts talking and saying 'if you disrespect the law, you disrespect me', but I just run right past him and into the shop.


And as I go up to the counter to sell my crap.


Behind me: "If you disrespect the law, you disrespect me!"


I turn around. It was the guard I had just run past. "WTF? DID YOU SERIOUSLY JUST FOLLOW ME IN HERE JUST TO SAY THAT?!?"


Then he left.


This kind of playing clips is obnoxious. I get scripted conversations and stuff, but just random crap that I don't want to hear out of no where, especially when it's immersion breaking is RETARDED. Can someone please make a mod that disables it, or at very least improves the AI behind it?




There's digital pie in it for you, because the Cake is a Lie.



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