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So I have been to steam and there I saw a video advertisement of Red Faction Guerilla, and now I want to preorder this or anything else that has to do with blowing poo up, I don't care much about storyline as long as you get a cool sandbox for blowing buildings up in a realistic manner, to give a clue on how realistic it is, the mappers are building engineers and architects, because if a building is badly built (say a heavy roof on a glass building without metal structures) it collapses as soon as the game starts, everything except the ground is physics, everything related to the map as in walls and such blow up in a crazy way, I recomend viewing the trailer.

P.S I don't know why the complaints on the storyline, the game is intended for benchmarking how many physics your pc can handle as well as to have fun blowing buildings up, there's nothing more manly then that! the game serves it's purpose, I recomend giving it a go if you have a chance especially if it is for PC, I believe that with some modding it can become an awesome game with many possibilities for killing enemies, like making a tower collapse on them or an exploding building to chuck debris and mutilate them.

any other games with such engines?

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I've got this on the 360 and it's very good. The physics can be a little wonky, it's not unusual for buildings to defy gravity and have a large roof held up with only one tiny support. That said the game is still good fun and a must for anyone who likes breaking things.
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Yeah I guess, would be nice if you had civilians in those buildings and suddenly you (the bad guy) come up and place charges and collapse it, and then look at how it turned out, hehehe, I love destroying poo, i've been into making pipe bombs and wrecking junk and such, or acetone peroxide/ ammonium nitrate ammn or something, to lift earth or snap trees lol, now I can do it largescale, also planning on getting Battlefield bad company, both have their own destruction system and can't be compared, BBC is better with the gamemodes and such, while RFG has more whacky destruction, and I would love a SDK or a sandbox like garrys mod for hl2, or crysis sandbox, it would make it soo awesome! I would make a realistic city 17 if I get my computer fixed, buy the game and hopefully with the release of an sdk make my dreams come true, I would make the Half life 2 citadel collapse on the city with me in it, it would make a fun game play if you took part in the collapse of the twin towers as one of the victims, struggling through the crowd of office co workers at the sight of the incoming airplane and then it actually snaps with you in it, I would love something like that, real whacky extreme near death experiences, where you suffer an airplane accident from inside, or have an earthquake collapse your house and such.
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I originally bought the game on the 360 because the multiplayer sounded really fun. but it failed my expectations big time. For one they talked multiplayer up as if it had modes with vehicles similar to Battlefield. I thought the idea of BF: RF sounded awsome but alas I was let down by volition again. However I liked the single player, it was a great sandbox game for blowing the ever living bajeesus out of everything around me.


The physics can indeed to stupid an example is having a 6 story office building being supported by a single support no thicker than a meter on the bottom floor. When you do get that sucker to fall it's beautiful though. It's also really intense fighting in a building with a tank blowing the bajeesus out of it while you're being hounded by EDF special forces inside. I just wish they had bigger facilities simillar to the first RF which is still my favorite in the series. The multiplayer for RF 2 was my favorite though. Me and my friends had a lot of fun way back in the days of that game.

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