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Resized/Rescaled food


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Anyone else notice that the food in skyrim is way too oversized? The scale is just off. Also considering that it is a tundra climate, food should be smaller and stunted compared to foods grown in warmer climates. Potatoes grown in gardens in Alaska, for instance, are usually only the size of golf balls.

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1) Download and start FO3 Archive Utility (google,Nexus), load ...\Skyrim\data\Skyrim - meshes.bsa, browse to the items you want to resize (like meshes\clutter\food\)...in this case simply select the whole food folder and in the menu above EXRACT SELECTED FILES and select your ...\Skyrim\data\ folder, OK. Now the food models (.nif files) are extracted to ...\Skyrim\data\meshes\clutter\food\





2) Download Nifskope (google), open the .nif file of the food you want to edit (like apple01.nif), click on the 3D model of the apple or its NiTriShape block on the left side, down below in the block detail window is a line SCALE, change it to whatever size you want, save and done. To undo the whole thing simply reset the value OR delete the .nif - the game will only use extracted models if they are available. No .nif available, it uses the original game's archive files.


You can do that with any other static model as well, just extract them using FO3AU and store them in the correct folder structure.

Edited by ghosu
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