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Bodies do not disapear during Civil war battles


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One of the things that quite annoys me is how during the Civil War battles (Whiterun, Solitude, and Windhelm, as well as each of the forts you attack) all the Imperial and Stormcloak dead bodies imediately disapear. Its unrealistic and makes the battles feel so much smaller as the locations look bare.


Can anyone make a mod that makes alll killed NPCs during battles have their bodies stay so as to make it look like a real battle with casualties?

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In addition to Civil War Overhaul, I installed a mod called Populated Skyrim Civil War. It includes an option to have about 4 respawning battles with about 20 soldiers on each side. This makes for some great looting opportunities, but you have to act fast because the bodies disappear soon for lag/performance reasons. The Immersive Patrols mod has optional Civil War patrols of about 5 soldiers each, in addition to the vanilla patrols - these result in some small battles and looting opportunities.


Playing as a Nord Stormcloak, I felt that looting my fellow Stormcloaks was off limits, since they needed their gear in Sovengarde - this reduced my overall loot from these battles by about half.


Beware using your followers in large battles, though, because their aim is not so great and any friendly fire can lead to your own Civil War side turning on you!

Edited by ScottC12
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Well I would love to try the Civil War Overhaul, but currently can't get it to work. Everytime I activate it it instantly crashes every load I try (including new games).


Need to figure out what mods it's conflicting with that cause this, but I've heavily modded my game so it could take a while.

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