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No bandits in major hold Forts


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There are many forts throughout skyrim which have bandits which is fine, but it is rediculous that all the major forts which are on the main roads in holds were filled with bandits when they should be filled with either Hold guards, Imperials, or Stormcloaks.


In all Imperial and Stormcloak maps these major forts are shown with with either blue or red flags showing that they are very important so it makes no sence how bandits could be controlling them.


Any chance someone could create a mod that places hold guards in these forts instead of bandits?

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I have played through the Civil War questline on the Stormcloak side. It seems that, once my character cleared a bandit (or necromancer/skeleton) held fort, it was taken over by Stormcloaks if they also controlled that hold. Control of each enemy hold in the Civil War depends on your character successfully completing quests to attack each hold's enemy camp. I assume it would work the same way if you were fighting for the Imperials - they would take over the cleared bandit forts.

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