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Best female nude mod?


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HGEC will by far allow you the most choices not just in body types but in armors and such converted to the new body. For males there are a few choices but Roberts Male utterly dominates due to being adopted and supported most widely.
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As a modder, I prefer the Fantasy Figures Body for its hands, feet, shoulders, and UV (also for the mesh composition).

There are more outfits and a host of body type options for HGEC, but since I deeply hate that one's UV and I like to make my own body textures, I'd never use it. Most of the outfits for HGEC are very scanty also, which I'm not particularly interested in.


Robert's males are pretty much the definitive male body replacer. His female body is very nice in quality as well, but like FF offers just one body type for its UV and more limited clothing support.


If you're strictly a user who likes the skimpier outfits and lots of them, some variant of HGEC is probably your best bet for the females.

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I do HGEC too, abit tricky to install, but it works.


And truth is that you can download most gear mods that supports other body types without problems, atleast I don't experience any problems.

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HGEC is by far the most popular of the body replacers, but I personally don't have much use for it. When I was making the Cheerleader outfit I had my game setup for HGEC, and when I finished that outfit I was very happy to remove HGEC and get back to Bab. From a purely aesthetic point of view, I felt HGEC degraded the appearance of my game.


Of course I have the advantage of being able to make my own clothes, so availability of downloadable content is not an issue for me. If I couldn't do it myself, then I think I would use fantasy figures. I believe it is the best done of the bodies. The mesh and the UV are superior to the others. However, I find the leaner looking Bab body to be more appealing. That's just my opinion, we all see things differently.


I've read some Fantasy Figure modders saying that Bab was discontinued, and there was nothing new being made for it. They are mistaken. I'm making new outfits for Bab, http://i171.photobucket.com/albums/u312/RGMage2/Sept0703.jpg

and they will be released when they are ready. But I take my time with things, so maybe it seems like nothing is being done.

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