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Getting rid of lasers and plasma weapons


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I know some people love these weapons, but for me, I just don't like them, it makes the game feel too futuristic (which it is, but it also takes away from the post apocalyptic for me. If they can have all this technology, why can't they clean the water with the help of the lone wanderer and his/her father and some magical GECK device.


Anyway, I just think a mod that replaces the laster weapons with the "regular" ones that use bullets/shells would be great. I can deal with the robots, even the power armor. Although I don't really like the power armor too much, but that might be due to the the fact that I don't like heavey armor in general.


It just seems like if they had all this stuff (british sounding robots with AI, laser and plasma weapons, power armor ect) the world wouldn't be crappy like it is for 200 years. I mean if you think about it, america (as we know it today) is only a few hundred years old and look where we are without robots and lasers and magic GECKs. But I'm suppose to believe that the people in the fallout3 world can't do anything with this technology?


Rant aside, I'd like to play the game without seeing lasers all the time. The lasers on the robots are fine I guess. I just hope I'm not the only one thats not into these laser and plasma weapons.

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Thats not really a good excuse. In their world they have all this advance technology, but it somehow takes over 200 years to figure out how to clean the water and everything looks like garbage.


Even if that weren't the case, I still think a mod that took out the lasers and plasma weapons would be nice for some people.

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Well for one Americans of today haven't had the "luxury" of having to deal with supermutants and other mutated creatures who shoot first and eat your still twitching corpse second if they can get away with it. Weapon technology doesn't really help a whole lot either when you are trying to rebuild the land, and from the looks of it, the majority of the tech that did survive the nuclear holocaust is military tech meant to kill people, not clean the water or provide sustainable means of survival.


In fact you can probably compare the situation in the Wasteland to the first settlers of America being vastly outgunned by the natives while not having a steady supply of food while at the same time having to deal with some their own people wanting to sell them into slavery and/or eat their flesh. If those were the conditions the original American settlers had to deal with, I doubt America would have had such an "easy" time becoming the dominant culture of our planet.


As for a mod removing laser and plasma weapons, I don't see why it wouldn't cater to a broader audience. The fact that you can pick up energyweapons almost right off the bat in Fallout 3 speaks volumes of how it diverges from the its predecessors, where energy weapons were mostly mid- to endgame equipment. Keep in mind that such a mod would need to alter a lot of equipment and loot lists, and probably would be incompatible with a lot of other mods which add additional weaponry to said lists.

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It's the Fallout setting. The war occured at the end of the 21st century when America had recently developed "microfusion" technology and prototype laser and plasma weapons. After the nuclear war, society turns into a post-apocalyptic dystopia like Mad Max (except without the cars!), but some of those high-tech energy weapons can still be found in old military bases.


Notice that nobody is BUILDING laser guns - the Brotherhood of Steel and the Talon Mercenaries live in old military/government buildings and that's where they get their lasers from. Even the Brotherhood probably wouldn't have the ability to build one from scratch.


The one force in the Enclave able to build energy weapons is the Enclave - their plasma pistols and plasma rifles look a bit "steampunk" and home-made. They are the descendents of the upper echelons of the US government and secret service and military special forces, and have been safely hiding in high-tech military facilities for the past two hundred years. During that time they continued to research power armor technology and developed their own Advanced Power Armor, and apparently they learnt how to built plasma guns too.


The scientists in Rivet City have the ability to purify water, but only on a small scale. Project Purity is intended to provided enough water for everyone, but that needs the power of the GECK, a bit of lost pre-war technology.


Also, remember that Fallout's sci-fi setting is supposed to be like a 1950s sci-fi comic book or TV show. (Nuclear cars! Household robots! Ray guns!) Except where instead of it leading to the perfect American dream or a Star Trek utopia, it led to nuclear armaggeddon instead.

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You've got to understand, the Great Nuclear War happened in 2077, and we're still in 2009. A LOT can change in 6.8 decades you know =P


For all you know, we will have ray-guns, robots with (Safe) A.I., we may really Annex Canada when the Chinese invade Alaska, and we may very well end up nuking the world to hell and with a minority of the population in gigantic community fallout shelters, and all that by 2077.


And yes, the setting of the game is "The Future as seen through 1950's Comics and Novels", so it makes sense to have silly stereotypical alien "Pew-Pew" hand-cannons.


But I can see where you're coming from regardless. Good luck in getting someone to make your mod, though having an Energy Weapons skill but no Energy Weapons would be strange, so you'd need to have something done about that.


Maybe changing Energy Weapons to Medium Guns (Rifles and Assault Rifles, etc.?). But sadly this mod would make Mothership Zeta a pain...

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