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Crash on startup when using mods


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Hello. I'm a completely inexperienced modder, and I'm having an issue when trying to use mods in Fallout New Vegas. I use NMM to install the mods, but whenever i try to start the game it crashes before it even gets to the menu. When I disable all the mods it starts just fine, and I can play the game using one specific mod (Light Step ED-E).


If I however try to add any other mods on top of that, or use another mod alone the game crashes on startup. I'm fairly sure the mods i try to use aren't conflicting, because they have very little to do with each other, and i know for a fact that another guy uses them simultaneously (along with multiple other mods i also tried using). I tried to reinstall the mods to no avail; the game still crashed. I also unchecked some dlc's i have using the NMM plugins, but I'm not sure if its necessary nor if i actually disabled the dlcs. The reason behind unchecking them was because i figured they might be conflicting with the "New Vegas Bounties" mod.


I apologize for the long mess of text, but I wanted to be as specific as possible, even though I probably am overlooking something obvious.


Would very much appreciate any help on the matter :blush:


Regards, Eje1337.



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