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Explain like I'm five how to install obse21 on the steam version o


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exactly what the title says, I want to install OBSE on the steam version of Oblivion but I have tried watching/reading a bazillion different tutorials and never once have they worked because they are either outdated or for the disc version. Also if you could explain how to install a plugin for OBSE I would love you for the rest of my life

Edited by particlepants
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Okay, hope this isn't too simple... but you did say 5 year old. :wink:
  • Download OBSE from http://obse.silverlock.org/ by clicking on the Download: http://obse.silverlock.org/download/obse_0021.zip link.
  • Open the zip file.
  • Inside you will find a number of files. Here'e what you will need:
    • obse_1_2_416.dll
    • obse_editor_1_2.dll
    • obse_steam_loader.dll
    You can ignore everything else in there.
  • Find your Oblivion folder. On my computer. it's at C:/Games/Steam/steamapps/common/Oblivion. It may be somewhere else on your computer, but the "Steam/steamapps/common/Oblivion" bit should be the same.
  • Copy the above three files into your Oblivion folder.
  • In Steam, make sure you enable Steam Overlay. Go to Settings > In-Game and make sure "Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game" is ticked
  • Enjoy!
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Lanceor is wrong in one little detail: in addition to the files he mentions, you need also the DATA folder included in the downloaded zip file, because the required obse.ini file is there.


These are the same instructions provided in the ReadMe, well, the ReadMe says "Steam Community" instead of "Steam Overlay" as Lanceor says, I assume it's due to the periodical updates to the Steam interface.


As for OBSE plugins, READ THE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS provided with each plugin. Most of them are installed simply by dragging and dropping the DATA folder inside their downloaded file. The usual correct installation path for plug-ins, unless the ReadMe says otherwise, is Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins


Are you aware of the issues and malfunctions that having Steam and Oblivion installed in the default C: \ProgramFiles folder causes in Windows Vista and up?



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The issues are the restrictions that WIndows puts on all the files stored inside the ProgramFiles folders. Windows do not allow other appllications to make changes to them, so in your game, OBSE will not be able to run properly if it can't make changes to some ini files in the Oblivion directory. If this occurs, you will think that OBSE is not properly installed, when it actually is.


There are guides on how to move the entire Steam and Oblivion installations out of the Program Files folder. The recommended location for Steam and all the games is, for instance, a new folder like C: \Games.



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Here you go ... Oblivion reinstall procedure. If you use the Steam version of the game don't miss the link near the top of the page about moving your Steam install location, and don't skip the registry cleaning step ... it's important.


Sir Links-a-Lot strikes again.

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in addition to the files he mentions, you need also the DATA folder included in the downloaded zip file, because the required obse.ini file is there.

Really? I've never installed that before and OBSE has never not worked for me. :wink:

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Hey, Lance, well, I actually never installed OBSE without the provided ini file, so I really don't know if it's a matter of life-or-death putting it or not ;)


Hey, Striker! Hugs!



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I did a test of installing disk version OBSE version 0021 with the included obse.ini and without it using your Abysmer as a testing vehicle Ike. With worked, without didn't.


Thanks for having my back today Ike ... it's nice to know I only need to worry about arrows in the knee but not blades in the back.

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You, Striker, I did the same thing five minutes ago. Since I have a completely vanilla profile, I installed OBSE without the ini file and my OBSE mods did not work.


So, I still strongly recommend to install too the included DATA folder with OBSE.


I am in fact playing an Archer now (Eye of the Abyss is superb for archers), so I can deal with archers too. Learned how to score headshots. I think your knees (arthrytis notwithstanding) are safe, too.



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