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Elder Scrolls Online Nexus and NMM updates


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dont bad mouth a game befor you actualy play the full release. the only reason you sit there and cry is because your mad that your mother wont go and pay the monthly 15$. and go ahead and tell me im wrong, realy please do because in the end you know that you love the game. your just mad that you cant afford to pay for it. in the end people like you are always the same. if you cant have something great you'll just cry and try to bad mouth it into sounding like s#*!. that way people wont get it and you wont feel so alone down there in that whole u dug waiting for pity. was my comment harsh? absolutely! but its the hard truth... so again tell me im wrong. you'll only prove my point...
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dont bad mouth a game befor you actualy play the full release. the only reason you sit there and cry is because your mad that your mother wont go and pay the monthly 15$. and go ahead and tell me im wrong, realy please do because in the end you know that you love the game. your just mad that you cant afford to pay for it. in the end people like you are always the same. if you cant have something great you'll just cry and try to bad mouth it into sounding like s***. that way people wont get it and you wont feel so alone down there in that whole u dug waiting for pity. was my comment harsh? absolutely! but its the hard truth... so again tell me im wrong. you'll only prove my point...

if it was a question of money and subscription fees i would wait for 6 months rill rgey go F2P

and i would gladly pay your subscription fee if i knew you

Issue here is that ESO is a Blatant attempt to beat as much money out of the fans as possible nothing more nothing less

people can go and play a exactly same game for free somewhere else

other mmo s might not look that good but atleast some of them are ream massive MULTI online and not single player online

or maybe zenimax mistakenly MMO for massive money online

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I respect your view, kleinstaff, but to say that ESO is not an MMO is just bull. It clearly shows that you have not spent a single moment in Cyrodiil, because that is where the "massive" comes in.

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if it was a question of money and subscription fees i would wait for 6 months rill rgey go F2P

and i would gladly pay your subscription fee if i knew you

Issue here is that ESO is a Blatant attempt to beat as much money out of the fans as possible nothing more nothing less

people can go and play a exactly same game for free somewhere else

other mmo s might not look that good but atleast some of them are ream massive MULTI online and not single player online

or maybe zenimax mistakenly MMO for massive money online


Having ignored the Betas completely and just starting with the game at release, I would disagree with you 85%. I ignored the betas and most of what was being said about the game because I didn't want my impressions of TESO to be colored or clouded because of someone else's comparisons. Those playing the beta saw an incomplete product, and were mostly reporting on things based off THEIR reason for what would make the game for them. As it was a MMO based off a single player game, many of these people were likely looking at things from either; the standpoint of someone who just wanted another single player game that they could spend countless hours playing, or from the standpoint of a MMO player who is tired of WoW, refers every other game to WoW when there isn't any large difference (which they usually end up being very critical of since it isn't as developed as they would like). So wanting a full and honest view of the game I dropped the $80 on the Imperial Edition acknowledging that no matter what, atleast it would give me more bang for my buck than that other $60 single player game. That said, have recently hit level 30+, and aside from the usual annoying server downtime, quest breaking bugs, spam, bots, ect, I definitely feel like I will likely get my money's worth and am still enjoying most of it.


Is it a groundbreaking MMO experience that will blow every other out of business? No. There is no such thing and you are a silly person for even thinking it.


Is there anything being done which is entirely new and refreshing to the genre? No, it is probably best classified as a good mix of standard MMO mechanics with a few changes or additions here and there to give it a new coat of paint.


Is it a sandbox MMO world where you can run around, cause chaos, and do whatever you want like other TES games? No, it is essentially a Elder Scrolls Themepark MMO with some minor dynamic elements added to places that don't particularly matter.


Is it a moneygrab from Zenimax to suck as much money out of players as they can? Yes, but aren't all games released by companies wanting to turn a profit?


Is it just Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim with a few new pieces glued on with a new price tag? No. The one thing that is quite evident from what I've seen in the game is that there has clearly been a hell of a lot of work put into this game.


Is it a game that will likely keep paying into for years to come? No. Again, you're being silly. With all the MMOs that are out there there are few reasons why anyone would feel like they should pay continuously for several months. Let's be honest here, when WoW came along, there really were not many MMOs out there, and certainly none which were as immediately accessible to most players, coupled with this and the high demands of endgame WoW raids, and you had an environment where people were paying continuously because they didn't want to learn another MMO, and were hard pressed to keep playing in order to keep up with endgame content. That situation however has not existed since WotLK, and with countless new MMOs being made, there is no reason to camp out only one themepark.



Regarding the actual game:

Class variety is probably one of the most open among MMOs of this size.

Loot variety is fairly limited early on, but quickly broadens out once you start dealing with set pieces, unique drops, and eventual raid content.

Character creation is even more in-depth than the single player games to the point of body sliders.

The game features 3 separate main storylines with countless smaller storylines spread throughout the areas.

Quests are fairly dynamic such that how you solved a quest can differ significantly from how someone else solved it, with many quests being far more than just point A to point B delivery or killing x of a thing.

Exploration similar to Skyrim, in that every part of the world has a number of quests tied to it, and that you will often be tripping over them, with small bits of random encounters here and there to keep it interesting.


And I arguably picked the least interesting side to play through.

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In response to post #13723103. #13734614, #14000203 are all replies on the same post.

What I hate about ESO is that when you die, you respawn way out of the way (If you have no Soul Jems} - so I just continue on to next map and newer quests. I hate running all the way back to where ever and just move on.
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I've pretty much given up on ESO at the moment. Between bots and loot nerfs, the one part of the game that was actually challenging (boss fights) has become pointless. It's bad when regular spawns in the world become more rewarding to kill than bosses or completing quests. Rather than come down hard on the illegal aspects of their game, they've looked the other way too long, let those illegal aspects establish themselves, and applied late nerfs after bots have already advanced to the point where they are not affected while also being harder to track and detect.


I could have accepted the bugged quests, I could have accepted the anti-social nature of the game's grouping mechanics. But I can't look past their decision of penalizing players just because it's easier to slow down bots than have staff sweep through areas banning every bot they see. Yet another MMO ruined because of bad decisions.

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