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Self scarification.


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"cutting is mor epemranent than a tattoo"

Tattoos ARE permanent, but the design fades out/ ink seeps around. Colored ink fades quickly if you stay under the sun alot. You need toget your tats retouched every few years to keep the intricate designs visible.


As for that scarification, whether it be by slicing or branding, I'd say..... NO. Infections... ugh.


Healed or not, it just looks nasty.

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As Lord Tenaim said, don't do it.

I did the same as him and I regret it, and so will you if you go through with this.

Alas I still do it just becomes worse but can't say it enough don't do it.

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If you're honestly set on doing this.. Listen to Netwit2008's advice carefully.


You could get an infection, nick an artery, vein, etc.. You could die, lose a body part..


Is it really worth it? You're not getting something most people will find attractive out of it, or even cool for that matter.

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Man all I have to say is one of my old girlfriends had one of those things on her back, and about 5 inches above her butt and it looked ugly as hells. I mean just terrible! Seriously don't do it! You will regret it forever! Especially if you get married and have kids one day. So don't do it unless you want to be doing this for the rest of your life: :wallbash:
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