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Custom items losing enchantments


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The title say it. I did install Oblivion again and perceived some custom items loses enchantments placed upon them after a time. Maybe it's a already know issue. I don't think I'm the only experimenting it, yet many may never notice it if they do not enchant items themselves.


At the moment no major overhaul from the FCOM family is installed, as to say, Francesco's, Oscuro's, Martingen's and so on. So I get COBL and a few minor (in scope i mean) mods to look up. I'm using the last OBSE beta version, so it is to be watched too.


Since I have no clue for now about the circumstances that loss occurred I'm myself lost in conjectures... what could trigger it?


cobl have an option to 'coblize' items, something that could clone the item from the original template and indeed cause issue, yet I can't see how it would be the case at this specific.


I have a mod which allows removing, storing and placing enchantments between items, yet I did not use it yet ingame, anyway it goes to the suspects list too.


All these mods I did use before without issues. It's something new, maybe introduced in recent mods versions.


Now the specifics. The item affected is an armored (heavy) circlet from the Goddess store. It was enchanted normally at the frostcrag reborn aparatus, what excludes that enchantment mastery mod from being the cause, at least in a first approach.


I have been using the item all the time, I do not remember to have unequipped once, afterward the enchanting.


Well, it's a perfect mystery to me for now, it's not something that invalidated my game, but is something that may occurs to more people... and maybe i just NEED to understand what goes on :)


If anyone already knows the issue and a solution or workaround, please tell me.

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