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OCOv2 questions


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Old hand...I tried to install OCOv2 before I actually played the game. I launched the game, but didn't play it before attempting to install the mod. I guess I was just initially impressed by the graphical difference vs the console version, so I assumed the mod had changed something. Turns out, the vanilla game is just that much better on PC, so no, the mod was not working. Though, I am happy to say that, thanks to your (and everyone else's) advise, I now have the mod working. I believe that my biggest mistake was not starting here first. I went the lazy route and tried to watch a couple of YouTube videos to learn how to install mods. I didn't actually understand how it all worked. I was just installing everything with OBMM all willy-nilly. I think I have a grasp on it now.


Thank you all very much for your help and advise. It is nice to know that I have a mature/civilized forum, where I can display my vast ignorance and not be shamed for it :)

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We all started knowing squat (well I guess I should only speak for myself). The only dumb question is the one you don't ask.


Everything I know about modding the game comes from reading posts in these forums and in the mod comments. It does rarely happen, but by and large there haven't been any "new" questions in a long time and most have been answered many many times. Search will often give you a list as long as your arm.

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Oi Wick!


Yup, as Striker says, none of us was born knowing what he/she/it knows today about modding. Myself included (I refuse to clarify if I'm a He, a She or an It... Uh, don't stare at me like that, okay, I give up, I'm a He, I swear, I did not come from Derry!).


I personally never will recommend "video tutorials" from YouTube. More often than once, I stumble on desperate cries for help from players who tried YouTube tutorials and found themselves on serious troubles.


Treasure your pristine ignorance of nowadays. With each day you spend here with us, you'll lose a bit of it until one day you suddenly realize that you have become an experienced modder. There's no turning point. Join us.


*me offers his hand to Wick*


... Join us...


(And I leave up to you deciding if I quoted Star Wars or Evil Dead).



Edited by IkeCoast
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"Wick offers his hand to Old hand in return. Just as they are about to touch, Wick sees an Oblivion portal opening over Old hand's shoulder. Wick attempts to flee, but is swarmed from all directions by an evil horde of modders. Before he knew it, Wick was being hoisted into the air as the procession slowly made their way towards the unworldly gate. In a demonic tone, the horde rhythmically chanted...join us...join us...join us. Knowing his struggles were in vein, Wick relaxed, closed his eyes, and accepted his fate as they slowly faded into the darkness. He knew from that moment forward, nothing would ever be the same."

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Oh...and just for clarification...I am most assuredly an "IT". I have a little patch and a card for my wallet that says so. It serves no purpose really, except I think it may get me a discount with AAA.

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Instead of starting a new thread I though I'd put this here as it is a similar issue (I've also put it in the comments section for the actual mod but didn't want to clutter it with post about other mods).

First up I incorrectly installed OBSE and Blockhead with Wyre Bash and then installed OCOv2, this naturally gave me the grey faces with "Install Wyre Bash" on them. After checking out the forums/comments I found many helpful posts about how to correctly install OBSE and Blockhead so I uninstalled these along with the better bodies mods I have and OCO. I re-installed OBSE and Blockhead manually then archiveinvalidated using the installer mod on nexus forums (using the loader file to run oblivion which is loctae in my C:\ and not program files - I am running from the Game of the Year disc), installed Roberts better bodies (but don't have the esp files selected) and finally installed OCO. However the new textures are not working all I see are the vanilla textures now (not the "install blockhead" error), I think blockhead is working as when I select an orc male his teeth no longer stick out in a massive over bite (the big teeth actually stick through his top lip). I am running OOO and it is set to lod before OCO.
Any advice as to what I should do?

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Best bet would be too start over with a fresh install if you can?


And just backup the Oblvion folder once you have the DLC, and offcial patches installed. (i 7zip it)

Then you can mod away, and if you encounter any probs, just use the backup.


Saves alot of time.


This is my own manual, i have aot of mods, and i don't want to go looking for them everytime i reinstall or leave it a few years.


For face and Body it's this


#### - 'Body Overhauls' Folder (Roberts Male Body Replacer V5, Robert Muscular Stock Clothing & Armor v1.2, Robert Muscular Stock Clothing & Armor 1st Person Fixes, Robert Muscular SI Clothing & Armor v1.1, Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons v1.00)

Extract The Following Into A Seperate Folder, Then **Move And Replace** Into The 'Body Overhauls' Folder - >

#### - HGEC Body (Omod Wizard - Underwear, EBE, And Then Move Across)

#### - EVE HGEC - Variants Expansion (Omod Wizard - No, HGEC EBE E-Cup Underwear, HGEC EBE Underwear And Then Move Across) - **Move And Replace**, Delete EVE_ShiveringIslesEasterEggs.esp

#### - EVE HGEC - Variants Expansion Fix (Extract, And Then **Move And Replace**)

#### - Blockhead v9.2 (Extract, And The Move Across)

#### - Oblivion Character Overhaul v2.02 (Extract, And Then **Move And Replace**)

#### - Roberts Male Body Replacer Texture Compatibility Addon v2.0 (Extract, And Then **Move And Replace**)

#### - HGEC Texture Compatibility Addon v2.0 (Extract, And Then **Move And Replace**)

Minor Conflicts, Just Updated Files.




Last In Load Order:

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Sorry if that looks a little crazy, it's just what i have, i seperate the mods into different categories, extract them all into a folder set eveything up, then 7zip em.


When i need them i unzip and transfer the folders over to the Oblvion folder, and it's done :smile:

Edited by DEADLY9996
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  • 7 months later...

Sorry for the thread resurrect but I have a similar problem and the quoted text is relevant.



OCO v2 is an actual mod, and the latest version includes a warning system to make the user aware if Blockhead (and hence OBSE) are not running: the faces of all characters, including the Player, turn white with the letters INSTALL BLOCKHEAD painted all across. If you're not seeing this, then it's a good signal.



You say that if installed wrong all faces should be white with the text on them, but I only see the player characters face with the text on it, but even the players face seems to have the texture on it and the Argonian character near me when I opened the game had the new face with textures and all as should be - no text.


So yeah, I'm not sure whats going on, also, I'm pretty sure I installed everything correctly.


edit: nvm I mostly play in 1st person so I wont notice it all that much anyhow...


edit2: Think I know what it is, obse needs a check the box marked "Enable Steam Community In-Game" to be on but no such thing exists in steam, I assumed they meant steam overlay, but i guess not.

Edited by fktt
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