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Fallen Legends


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(This is just a little part of the history of Fallen Legends. I'll be adding to this so keep an eye on here for more insight to the world of Fallen Legends. For more info check the link in my sig. Also this is the first time i've written something like this so don't expect anything great here.)



Alsgrad. A nice quiet town. It didn’t have many problems, nice weather all year round, good crops, a good place to raise cattle and good clean water. The small farming town was as close to paradise as you could get, but as always, we had no idea that our little slice of heaven, would be the starting point for Armageddon.


Fallen Legends

The battle of Alsgrad


Very few people actually know what took place that day. They’ve all heard the stories but those that were there are often considered by many to be insane. What they witnessed and what has been recorded are two very different tales. The records state that a demonic army appeared and began mercilessly slaughtered the entire town. After a few hours out of the blue and angelic army appeared and helped the people drive back the demons but it was too late for the humans. After the battle there were few left alive. This is what the people accept as the story. They consider it the truth but it is the farthest thing from it.



It had been storming for an entire week. Dark clouds and lighting filled the skies and yet not a single drop of rain had fallen, crops and cattle were dying. The great sages considered it a foul omen, so they sent a number of priests to try and dispel the curse. Along with our bodyguards and the local militia we would represent mankind in the battle that would change our world forever.


My name is Alstraed leone. I was sixteen when I was ordered to Alsgrad. Unlike the other priest I brought only one bodyguard with me, Darrel Orkay, a man whom I consider my best friend. He was like an older brother to me. He found me out in the wilderness clutching my dead mother while he was on a training exercise and brought me with him. I was four at the time, he was nineteen. Why I didn’t see him as a father figure I’ll never know. Perhaps it was due to the way he treated me, but that’s a story for another time perhaps. At first I didn’t want him to come along seeing as how his wife had just given birth, but he insisted that he came with me. To this day I wonder why I agreed with so little of a fight.



The journey to Alsgrad took us three weeks. The weather was nice and the roads were in good condition. It wasn’t until we were three days away the we spotted the storm cloud, we were not expecting something of that size. It seemed that during our journey the storm had grown, covering almost half of the county. We got to work as soon as we entered the town. We preformed every known ritual within the order to try and remove the curse. None worked. On the third day there however, a great tear appeared in the earth and from it a wall of flame. After a few moments something stepped out from it that paralyzed me with fear. They were tall with horns protruding from their skulls and wings from their backs. Their skin varied from the color of blackened embers, to that of blood. We all knew what they were. We all knew that at that moment. After thousand of years. The demons had returned.

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  • 3 weeks later...

(Sorry bout the long delay. Depression, laziness, and writers block don't exactly help the writing process. Also just throwing out a bit of a warning. From here on some people might find certain parts of the story offensive.)


PART TWO. Darrel Orkay


I’ll be back before you know it. That’s what I told my wife before I left. She had begged me not to go, said she needed me there but I went anyway. I couldn’t let Alstread go alone, I’m his knight after all. It’s my job to keep him safe and besides that, I owed him my life. Were it not for him I wouldn’t be a knight to begin with because of my wife’s rather unusual heritage some within the church seem to think that me and her are agents of the demonic forces. It wasn’t until Alstread became a priest and chose me as his guardian that I was grudgingly given the ranking of a knight of the holy empire. Sir Darrel Orkay, Never thought that I would be called that.


We were all in a state of shock as the demons appeared through the portal, their number far surpassed our own. Minutes after their appearance they attacked, their weapons and numbers overwhelmed us and we were forced to retreat to within the city walls. Me, Alstread, the archbishop Lodan, the head of the local militia Brannon K’tar and a few others huddled inside the village elders house. The demons had stopped their attack for some unknown reason. The Archbishop was in a state of panic. “I don’t understand! We did everything right! These demons should not have appeared!!” He turned to Brannon. “Can you think of a reason why they would come here? Our rituals have never failed before!” Brannon sighed. “Not that I can think of. This place is pretty far out of the way. Although…. The invasion of the old empire started here. This was where the first battle between the humans and the elves took place. Though I don’t see how that would be important to a demon.” He took off his helmet and let out a growl of frustration.


When the Archbishop saw Brannon without his helmet the color drained from his face. Brannon noticed Lodan’s reaction and chuckled. “What’s the matter? You never seen an elf before? I’m surprised. Almost everyone in this town’s got some elf in 'em.” I let out a small chuckle. “How could he have missed that? All the buildings in the town show signs of elven design.. Hell just spend a few minutes with the militia and you’ll figure it out” Lodans face turned a bright shade of red and all traces of fear was replaced with rage. “HEATHENS! AGENTS OF THE DARK ONE!!! It is no wonder the demons came here. YOU SUMMONED THEM!!! You and the rest of your unholy people!” Brannon chuckled. “Easy there old timer. Don’t give yourself a heart attack.” This remark only made matters worse. “HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO A MAN OF GOD IN SUCH A MANNER! You filthy heretic! I should slay you here and now!” Throughout all of this Alstread mealy sat there watched the archbishop and the elf with great interest.


I wasn’t about to let this continue. I grabbed hold of Lodan’s shoulder. “Sir, with all due respect I don’t think any of that really matters right now. We’ve got a lot more to worry about at the moment.” He pushed me away and spat at my feet. ”I knew you would side with them. You’ve always had a weak spot for the unclean. That demonic angel you call a wife is proof of it!” At first I wasn’t sure what happened but after seeing Lodan laying on the floor with blood pouring from his nose and my hand balled up into a fist it didn’t take me long to figure it out. Alstread sat there and stuttered while the militia were all laughing at the bishop. Lodan stood up and wiped the blood off his face. ”Sacrilege! How dare you spill the blood of a man of God! When we return to the capital I will make sure that you and your family are put to death. As for your people elf” He turned and faced Brannon only to find that Brannon had one of our crossbows pointed at him. “You know the biggest problem with these things is?” Brannon chuckled. “They have a tendency to fire on their own.” Before any of us could react the bishop fell to the ground clutching the bolt that had been shot into his throat. Brannon stood up and grinned. “Don’t you just hate when that happens?”


I felt no anger towards Brannon for killing the archbishop. In fact. I was quiet relieved. With Lodan dead it would be easier to get things done from now on. We wouldn’t have to spend ten minutes listening to him ramble on about all the sins of combat we were committing while fighting these creatures. Not to mention that with him dead my family would be safe. “Yes. It’s terrible when that happens.” One of the militia ran into the room. ”Captain! They’ve begun their attack sir!” We all ran outside except for Alstread. The poor boy could hardly breathe. When we made it to the edge of the city we saw the demonic army charging towards us. Their numbers seemed to have doubled. Brannon unsheathed his two blades and rested them on his shoulders with a wicked grin on his face. “Hell…. It’s about time.”

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