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The closest anyone has come to multiplayer in Fallout 3 is Cakester



I would love to have multiplayer in Fallout 3, now Bethesda made a great game.

There are three factors that make a great game:

Good story - Fo3 has this

Moddability - And this

Multiplayer - But not this :(


Hopefully Bethesda will make it, but till then we'll keep modding, and requesting.

Maybe they'll give Fo4 moddability.

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Well if people from Oblivion Online is making a multiplayer mod (with little successes) for TES4, then its quite possible but ridiculously long, and takes a ton of effort...


Not to mention you'd have to use FOSE and work within it... Meaning hundreds of lines of codes....

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Well first of all, correct me if I'm mistaken, but Obsidian was working on the original Fallout 3 Van Buren project right?

The van buren project was a much different styled game, but it was intended to have multiplayer functions. If this is true

then we're all in luck because Obsidian is helping out Bethesda with some new games such as Fallout Vegas and that means

that they will most likely have multiplayer. However, the main problem everyone has now is the V.A.T.S. and how it would stop gameplay for the other player as well as terminals, lockpicking, conversation, inventories, and so forth. I don't know how easy this would be, but can't we just make it so the game continues instead of pausing the whole game? I feel like this would work, even with V.A.T.S., because all V.A.T.S. does is help you aim for body parts. Well, that's just something to think about...

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maybe if you are in the same cell as someone it might pause for V.A.T.S. ala Fallout Tactics, but unlike Tactics it would be possible to EXIT V.A.T.S.

and if you are not in the same cell as someone else, then your actions do not affect the other character, except maybe if you do a quest which causes allot of changes.


can only imagine what doing "Take it Back" or "Project Impurity" and such would do in Multiplayer if other players are in say, Megaton, maybe a sudden "two weeks later" bink?


it would be nice to have full Fallout Tactics combat simulation using V.A.T.S. meaning action points to move around, as well as being able to take direct control of companions


I was hoping Operation Anchorage with their "Squad Based Combat" would do that... but no, it just meant you can recruit a bunch of nameless, disposable companions.

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Well first of all, correct me if I'm mistaken, but Obsidian was working on the original Fallout 3 Van Buren project right?

The van buren project was a much different styled game, but it was intended to have multiplayer functions. If this is true

then we're all in luck because Obsidian is helping out Bethesda with some new games such as Fallout Vegas and that means

that they will most likely have multiplayer. However, the main problem everyone has now is the V.A.T.S. and how it would stop gameplay for the other player as well as terminals, lockpicking, conversation, inventories, and so forth. I don't know how easy this would be, but can't we just make it so the game continues instead of pausing the whole game? I feel like this would work, even with V.A.T.S., because all V.A.T.S. does is help you aim for body parts. Well, that's just something to think about...


Just because Black Isles Studio was working on a multiplayer Fallout 3 (which I am not even sure if their Fallout 3 was sgoing to be multiplayer), and that Obsidian is made up of a lot of people from Black Isles Studio, doesn't in any way, shape, or form mean that Fallout New Vegas even has a remote chance of being multiplayer.


Fallout New Vegas is going to run off Bethesda's engine, so unless they want to totally re-work the engine, multiplayer isn't going to happen.


I'm not saying that I know for sure that they won't, just that there is no logical reason to expect multiplayer. They could very well decide that re-working the entire engine is worth it, but there is not sort of evidence to make me think they would go that rout.

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