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Spear and Javelin Mod [WIP]


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wow this looks quite awsome!! Oo

I also have a nice idea for the spears but i dont know if the game mechanics allows you doing this: It would be VERY cool if you could throw and stab with a spear

for example: power-attack forward: stab; power-attack backwards throw; powerattack-left/right maybe a thrust with the back of your spear (combined with the rotation animation) if you could handle this your mod would probably be perfect!!!

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Awesome, am I right in thinking that a person should be able to make different weapons have different chances for NPCS to swing them normally or power attack? for example perhaps something like a glaive from heavy armory would be more likely to swing attack than a normal spear?

Unfortunately not. Although I could make npc's using 2handed spears swing more than with a 1h spear. The ratio between swinging attacks and stabbing attacks is constant for each weapon type



Ok, thanks for the patience in answering my questions, I'm just sort of exploring the potential and limitations of your mod because it sounds like it could possibly open a whole new horizon of new weapons making in the future. I would still suggest the npc attacks lean Heavily towards stab attacks with the 2-hand polearms also. Now still using the glaive spear example, the glaive could have a higher swing damage(normal attack) relative to its stab damage(power attack) while the spear could have higher stab damage and lower swing damage, so they would still be different from each other right? Also if some one wanted to, could they make for example the glaives into a further new category of weapon under a different keyword if they wanted to?(personally don't care too much about glaives, just the example I'm working with) This strays a little from the focus of your mod but am I right in thinking that an NPC's fighting style and perks will also effect whether an NPC chooses to attack? Perhaps that might be a way for modders to tailor an NPC's fighting style.....

Edited by heyiforgot
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Just a couple of ideas.

About stab VS swing. You could make the swing attacks do little to no damage but with a good chance for onehanded to stagger the opponent and a smaller chance for two handed to make the enemy fall. This way the normal attacks are going to have an exclusively tactical use (a pretty dangerous one) and the power attacks are going to do all the damage. Stagger>stab>stagger>stab and so on.


Is there a way to change the shield bash animation while wielding a onehanded spear? It would be cool to make it so you can attack with the spear while your shield is up (using more stamina but with more range and a defensive boost).

Two handed spears could be deadly on a horse: Like 300-400% damage boost if you manage to hit the target properly while sprinting.


If not by default, this effects could be added by new perks.


No idea if any of these could be implemented. Just brainstorming.

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Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that progress is a bit slow at the moment. I'm currently studying an Engineering degree, so I'm dedicating almost all of my time to that for the next few weeks (exams are soon). However the semester is almost over so I will be able to work on this again for about a month. What I'm saying is this mod is NOT dead! progress has just been temporarily halted for a couple of weeks. Feel free to keep the ideas flowing though, If you guys have any more good suggestions I'll be sure to add them in the mod.

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