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Transferring items from one mod to another

Oscar Sheila

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Hi there,


I want to transfer a shelf with some stuff on it from one house mod to another. How do I go about it?


I tried exporting the item, which saved it as a txt file, but when I went to import the item there was no option that allowed you to import exteriors/interiors, as had been an option in the export menu.


Any help would be appreciated

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Hi there,


I want to transfer a shelf with some stuff on it from one house mod to another. How do I go about it?


I tried exporting the item, which saved it as a txt file, but when I went to import the item there was no option that allowed you to import exteriors/interiors, as had been an option in the export menu.


Any help would be appreciated

By your avatar I think you have some knowing about the NWN2 modding ... things are a lot different here :)


The items don't have a blueprint the same way UTIs there and I'm sure you don't want to export/import cells between the mods.


What you need to do is just create a new container in the destination mod using the other from the source as a template and position it where you want and fill with whatever items you want.


If the items are custom made (if it have 3rd part meshes and textures) the new mod can't work without the first existing, installed and activated in game. If it's for your own use there is no major problem.


To do it you just need to mark the mod you want to give the items as the active one in the CS and tick the other, so it's items shows up.


Things are a bit different if you plan to release the mod, first you'd need the original author permission, afterwards you'd need to eliminate the dependences or dictate clearly it, so the user should download and install the original too.


PS edit: Personally I do not endorse this dependences type since things can go downhill if something happens to the original mod. Yet it's possible and if just for your own use it have no others issues.

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