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every omod i use always conflicts majorly (red square) with my DLC and the unoffical oblivion patch, i have the latest versions, and i even downloaded the unoffical oblivion mod patch as well. i have shivering isle installed and apparently i dont have to download the offical patch for that, and also i downloaded the shivering isle patch. I dont know what to do, im rippingmy hair out over this crap because nothing seems to work. PLEASE ANYONE HELP!
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every omod i use always conflicts majorly (red square) with my DLC and the unoffical oblivion patch, i have the latest versions, and i even downloaded the unoffical oblivion mod patch as well. i have shivering isle installed and apparently i dont have to download the offical patch for that, and also i downloaded the shivering isle patch. I dont know what to do, im rippingmy hair out over this crap because nothing seems to work. PLEASE ANYONE HELP!

It's expected, the UOP is meant to overlap the files (since it tis it's very reason to be) you can activate it without concerns. Remember no mod (not even UOP) messes directly with the original files (stored in the BSAs) and so, can be recovered if for any reason you want it.


Now, must be something wrong with your setup if EVERY omod conflicts (omod actually is the same 7z file with an extra folder with informations to OBMM to where install the files and allow deactivating (effectively removing) those files. It reports any 'conflict' it sees, even where they are intended features.


Understand those omods you see at the OBMM's right window are never used by the game, not even seen. They are there just to facilitate mods management, and carries the same ESPs, ESMs, texture folder, meshes folder... as a zip or 7z file and 'install' them the same way you'd do by hand, with much less chances of mistake.

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every omod i use always conflicts majorly (red square) with my DLC and the unoffical oblivion patch, i have the latest versions, and i even downloaded the unoffical oblivion mod patch as well. i have shivering isle installed and apparently i dont have to download the offical patch for that, and also i downloaded the shivering isle patch. I dont know what to do, im rippingmy hair out over this crap because nothing seems to work. PLEASE ANYONE HELP!

It's expected, the UOP is meant to overlap the files (since it tis it's very reason to be) you can activate it without concerns. Remember no mod (not even UOP) messes directly with the original files (stored in the BSAs) and so, can be recovered if for any reason you want it.


Now, must be something wrong with your setup if EVERY omod conflicts (omod actually is the same 7z file with an extra folder with informations to OBMM to where install the files and allow deactivating (effectively removing) those files. It reports any 'conflict' it sees, even where they are intended features.


Understand those omods you see at the OBMM's right window are never used by the game, not even seen. They are there just to facilitate mods management, and carries the same ESPs, ESMs, texture folder, meshes folder... as a zip or 7z file and 'install' them the same way you'd do by hand, with much less chances of mistake.


so i should ignore it and activate them anyway? its the same conflicts for each one XD im just worried that it will mess up my game XD

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every omod i use always conflicts majorly (red square) with my DLC and the unoffical oblivion patch, i have the latest versions, and i even downloaded the unoffical oblivion mod patch as well. i have shivering isle installed and apparently i dont have to download the offical patch for that, and also i downloaded the shivering isle patch. I dont know what to do, im rippingmy hair out over this crap because nothing seems to work. PLEASE ANYONE HELP!

It's expected, the UOP is meant to overlap the files (since it tis it's very reason to be) you can activate it without concerns. Remember no mod (not even UOP) messes directly with the original files (stored in the BSAs) and so, can be recovered if for any reason you want it.


Now, must be something wrong with your setup if EVERY omod conflicts (omod actually is the same 7z file with an extra folder with informations to OBMM to where install the files and allow deactivating (effectively removing) those files. It reports any 'conflict' it sees, even where they are intended features.


Understand those omods you see at the OBMM's right window are never used by the game, not even seen. They are there just to facilitate mods management, and carries the same ESPs, ESMs, texture folder, meshes folder... as a zip or 7z file and 'install' them the same way you'd do by hand, with much less chances of mistake.


so i should ignore it and activate them anyway? its the same conflicts for each one XD im just worried that it will mess up my game XD

You really must be careful with red marked mods but in some cases it's the expected... OBMM even includes reports about what conflicts (click the right button to see the options). But in the case of UOP and and where overhauls are present, many mods will really conflict and it's where the (in)famed load order must be observed.


In your case, mainly with the UOPs it's expected and you can activate it for good. To understand, if an omod conflicts the same 7z conflicts too, you simply is not aware (since omod is indeed a 7z file with that extra folder told above)

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Go ahead and activate the OMODS. If there is a problem, when you deactivate them, they are completely removed and the problem should go away.


As nosisab said, OMODS are not actually used by the game. When you activate one, it creates the .esm and other files and installs them in the proper places in the data folder, just as if you had manually installed without using the OMOD. Then when you deactivate, it completely removes all parts that it installed from the data folder - much easier than tracking down every stray file that was installed manually.


Note that OMODs will always be listed in alphabetical order and their order cannot be changed - it does not need to be changed. You change load order by reordering the esp files in the left pane, which has no effect on the OMODS.


Then when you start the game, OBMM closes. Or you can close OBMM, then start the game. It is not active when you are playing. Only the load order list created by OBMM ( the list on the left side) is used by the game, and that only each time the game is started. That list tells the game if a mod is active or not, and what order to load the mods.

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You see, the problem with OBMM is that if you activate an OMOD that has files that overwrite an already active OMOD, should you deactivate that OMOD then the other OMOD's files are gone. You would have to deactivate and reactivate that OMOD to get them back. Wrye Bash's BAIN solves this by keeping track of you packages and if you install a mod that overwrites another mod, when you uninstall it, BAIN automatically restores any overwritten files. Simply great.
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