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Sticks and stones can break your bones, but words...

jojo man

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Will you hurt you. Ever been hit around the head with a dictionary?

No but I got killed by a flock of books in Baldurs gate a few times. Who ever said learning never hurt anybody has clearly never explored a mage's tower before.

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are deadly, it's quite true when you take it in to account what can be done by a well written article or summing up for murder in some countries. after all the pen is mightier then the sword (if the sword is very small and the pen very sharp. Terry Prattchet).
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All jokes aside...and having been cleaning and had my entire book shelf fall on me with probably 400 books...yeah words can hurt LOL.


However stuff like this drives me crazy. You can PC a language to death but that is not going to change peoples minds or hearts. I grew up and we didn't have this PC crap. I was taught to RESPECT people. Their culture, their ideas, their beliefs regardless of color, gender , etc , etc. On the other side..and this may get me some grief...people need to stop looking for slights in every thing they see and hear. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, if you get my drift.


Once people figure that out and stop worrying so much about the words but the INTENT behind them...well...maybe things would be a little better.

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Words are exactly, and only, as hurtful as people decide they are. On their own, they're simply words-- arrangements of letters or sounds that communicate things. But as soon as enough people decide that a particular word is hurtful, it is, but ONLY because they've decided that it is. By choosing to be hurt by a word, they've merely invited those who would hurt them to do so with the word.


It's like painting an enormous bullseye on your chest and saying, "Oh no! Don't hit me there! That'd HURT!"

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Well, using the initialism PC as a verb is incredibly painful to read.


Then by all means....I highly recommend avoiding painful things.

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