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Sticks and stones can break your bones, but words...

jojo man

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At any rate, I think that being PC is quite shallow, but peer pressure...sigh...makes me curve that individuality.


Words do hurt and that just a silly saying. But I don't like to be too melodramatic.

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Words can burn like brandished steel that can smite with a bloody execution...


True, but it's not the words themselves but how the way they can be wielded. I once saw a couple say "i love you" to each other in very hurtful ways IE oozing with hate

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Words are very powerful. Thomas Paine's book "Common Sense" was nothing more than just that, words. But still, it helped spark the U.S revolution that later on resulted in the birth of the United States. Talks, essays, and speeches helped pushed the Civil Rights movement in the US as well. I'd use a third example, but this one deals with a highly controversial topic among certain peoples, so I won't mention it.
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there is a motto i live by that has decreased the worlds population and increased my calorie intake by %12.


"Sticks and stones may break my bones,but i'll rip your -Censored- spine out and eat that -Censored-"

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