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Amounts of Gold


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I find something decidedly strange here and now.


I just started a new character (with OOO) and raided a couple of apparently treasure heavy dungeons in the Jerall mountains near Bruma, and I now have just south of 8000 gold, at level 2.


does this sound right? every other character I've played through the game with hasn't gotten that before he turned level 15! Am I playing weird, or what?


I'd like to also hear how other players fare - what they commonly get from dungeons, whther they go on quests or just raid the holes in the ground cyrodiil is riddled with, about how much money they manage to scrounge from it, and how long it normally takes you to level up

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I dunno whats normal really and I don't run any major over haul mods. At level 2 I don't get any where near that kind of cash but I get enough from dungeons and quests while leveling and such to pay for my five trains per level and I slowly creep up there. I should go do a run and see what I pick up from a dungeon clear now (current toon is 27 so should be a decent amount of upper gear). Biggest haul I've had was from just doing the main Shivering isles quest chain. By the time I was done and sold all the drops I had bothered to pick up (only items worth around 1k and up) I made over 100k <.< Which seemed rediculous to say the least.
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I don't have any big overhaul mods I am using and it seems like I usually hoard about 10,000 Septims by the time I am level 10. I never have money problems again. Some of my level 30+ characters have about 250,000 Septims. There is just nothing worth spending money on. The good things are things you scrounge up or seize in battle.
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Some of my level 30+ characters have about 250,000 Septims. There is just nothing worth spending money on. The good things are things you scrounge up or seize in battle.


I buy houses and furniture, training can get expensive and I like to bribe everyone into liking me.


Bribing guards when I'm leader of the thieves guild has good RP value too.


You can use up quite a bit of dough on the above.

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Yes its odd I started getting the good stuff at level fifteen, thats when I hit elvish armor. I sacked that mine right near the vineyards of skingrad came out in one raid with 150,000 septims! Took me 8 trips to carry all that crap to colovian traders!
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