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Final Fantasy Spirits Within Dr.Aki Ross Holowatch


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Hey guys! how about the watch of Dr.Aki Ross from the movie Final Fantasy SW insted of the

Pip-boy? =D can that be posible?


Some picks


First it looks like this~


And later like this~



Soo... what d'ya think?

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That Pip-Boy looks very kool~ But thats only a transparent pip-boy...

The Holowatch only shows when you activate it... When its deactivated it looks like the first pic and when its activated it looks like the second one... Here watch the first part of the movie~ (or... if u want,

u can watch it all xD), in this part Dr.Aki use her Holowatch, in the minute 4:45 =)




Cya =D


Thanks for the Pip-boy Link~

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  • 3 weeks later...

This would be incredibly difficult to do and will probably never be done mainly because it would require new textures for everything in the pipboy. ONly one who's been able to do that was alexscorpion and i think he's done with his pipboy mods now.


Having just the wrist part and then something else when you open it up would work. There wouldn't be any animations like you see in the movie but you could have just the watch and then once the pipboy is opened you see the whole display. Would be a nice pipboy remover without really removing the pipboy.


However, The screen will remain solid color when your looking at it which will hurt the effect a bit. Everything else would be possible but again it would take a massive amount of work and theres no guarantee that it'll even work at all.


Your not the only one who's wanted this. I've wanted it too for a long time, but i'm just letting you know not to expect anything because theres only a few modders with the skill to pull this off and they each have a lot of projects they're working on.

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The schreen dont have to be solid colored. Do you remember the effect of the stealthboy/stealthsuit ? It could be used here too.

But I can't do that sorry. Hey, why dont you ask alexscorpion to do this ?

And kiloko666 : I really hope to someone will help you, cuz this is one of the best pip-boy mod idea in the whole nexus-site.

Cheers ! ;D

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@bfg: oh yeah i forgot about that. Well in that case i guess it is somewhat possible. not sure if you could add a color behind it through.


And yeah Alex is probably the only person who could pull this off, but don't go crazy after him though because he has lots of stuff he's working on already.

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