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MGE XE Crashing Morrowind


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Hi there,

So, over the past 2 days and probably about 10 hours of trying to get this to work, I have yet to pull it off. I downloaded the MGSO which included MGE XE. MGSO did everything it needed to and was great. The patches worked, the mods were installed perfectly, and the game runs fine. As for the MGE XE, it does not have the same success. When enabled in game it will do one of two things. One variant is that it crashes before it can even start. The launcher launches, when I click play a box pops up in the top left of my screen, the screen initiates the game and immediately says that "Morrowind has stopped working." The other variant is that Morrowind opens fine, but when it gets to the initial loading screen it drops to literal 1fps during loading. I have sat and waited through the loading and nothing changes. This non-crashing variant only occurs if I open it using rolled back settings (Windows XP 2002).

If I go into the MGEXEgui.exe and turn off MGE XE in game, it runs beautifully. The change in resolution is still there, but the antialiasing and antroscopic filter do not appear to have activated. Along with what you would expect not to work in the land generation and shaders that are the true reason this mod is so great.

My PC build is as follows:

i7 4770k 3.5ghz Processor
Nvidia Geforce GTX 660
8 Gigs DDR3 RAM

Running Windows 7

Dual Screen is enabled in the same resolution (1920x1080).

I have all things required by the program to run correctly (C++, DX 9, etc.)

Again, when I turn off the in game MGE the game works fine.

Please, if anyone has any advice, feel free to post and I thank you greatly in advance.

If you need any additional information just let me know.

Thank you again in advance,


The MGEXE log file is as follows:


MGE XE 0.9.9
MWSE dll injected
>> CreateD3DWrapper
-- CreateD3DWrapper calling Direct3DCreate9
<< CreateD3DWrapper
>> D3D Proxy CreateDevice
-- D3D Proxy Factory OK
<< D3D Proxy CreateDevice
>> CreateInputWrapper
<< CreateInputWrapper
-- Proxy Keyboard OK
-- Proxy Mouse OK
-- Proxy Mouse OK
>> HUD init
<< HUD init
-- Proxy Mouse OK



As for the things I have attempted already based on suggestions:


Complete reinstall 2x
Disable one monitor
Disable Distant Land
Start Mods on and off
Switching resolution in game and out
Starting through Steam, Folder, and Desktop
Starting in Admin
Staring from 2002 specs
Moving Steam folder from (x86) to program files
Disable MWSE
Starting wi/ Antialaising on/off (same with Antroscopic).



I have put a solid 12 hours into this at this point.


Please, if you have seen anything like this feel free to give any suggestion.


Thank you again in advance.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Azotus. I have the same problem and I don't know how we can solve it. I spent a lot of hours looking for the fix but I haven't found it yet. I configured the MGE XE thousand times, reinstalling all the game components; I changed the MGSO Options too... Nothing. I'm in the same situation. I think I've done all what one could do. I'm sure the installation is right.

I'm sorry, I can't help you right now, but I can inform you that you aren't the only one with this problem.

My PC build is:


Intel Core i5 3350P 3.10GHz (4 cores)


Windows 8 - 64 bits

(Excuse me if I've made some mistake writing but english isn't my native language. I hope you understand everything)
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, I'm having the same problem. It's such a shame, MGSO3 looks fantastic with MGE XE. :sad: I'll try installing it on a different machine in a few days...


PC I tried it on is: ATI HD 7700, Intel Core 2 quad Q6600, 8GB RAM, Win 7 64bit


Edit: I attempted to install the game and the mod on company's computer and I still couldn't make it work. The computer is nVidia GeForce GT 430, Intel Core i7, 20GB RAM, Win 7 64 bit...

Edited by KiriKaeshi
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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Hey guys, I had this same problem and I updated DirectX 9.0c as specified here. Download the update from here, unpack it somewhere, and run DXSETUP.exe. After doing this, the game started up okay. Good luck.


Thank you! This solved my problem of Morrowind not starting after I installed MGSO. Worked like a charm for me.



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  • 1 year later...

I have the same problem, nothing seems to work what ever i try to do, when i disable MGE in-game it works like a charm, as stated before, but that makes the mod useless! I have a good enough PC for this mod not to be a problem, it has worked without problems on the same computer but with worse graphics card than i have now (gtx 750) and slower harddrive.


I just want to experience Tamriel Rebuilt in more detail, someone please help! :blush:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Saw this over at Bethsoft, may help someone:

The internal MWSE crash during "Initializing...." is fixed in one of the beta. So make sure you get it from here.



Thank you! Doing a new re-install (used to use MGSO, but I found another setup that looked interesting) after a few years without playing and I thought I was going crazy.

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  • 5 months later...

I know this post is super old, but has anyone found a fix for this. I'm having the same problem as OP. I've been looking for a fix for quite some time, but haven't found anything that works yet.

Have you installed the latest MGE XE beta on top of the latest full release?
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