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Mod Author Question


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Hello, I recently recieved a message from the site saying that I have been promoted to mod author due to a mod I made got 1000 different downloads or similar.


While this made me happy, the way the message appeared got me a little concerned, since it said "warning" in the URL adress, I thought I've done something wrong.


So my question is; is this a usual thing?


Sorry for asking this silly question, I'm just very new to this modding bussiness, thank you for your time.

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This system was originally used for the informal and formal warning system. It is a full page take over to ensure that the user understands the warning they've received before they can continue to use the site.


We expanded the scope of it recently to include notifying users. An automatic notification is sent out to mod authors now when they're moved in to the mod author group as I know a lot of people didn't (and still don't) know this system exists. We're also able to send manual notifications to users, which is handy when a user isn't responding to a PM from the staff and we absolutely need to get their attention.


But yes, as TVD said, it's nothing to worry about. I assume the warning in the URL is simply a legacy thing.

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