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One single missing mesh! :O Please just have a look


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How do I fix it? This is my load order, my problem, and i guess pretty much everything you would need to help me fix this problem :(




Please help me as soon as possible, I really want to use this shield no mather what mesh it has :(


I appreciate all kind of help very much!!! <3

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If you can use OBSE, install FormID finder or RefScope to find out what the missing mesh is from.


If you check the pic again u can see that im using Refscope, and the missing mesh is from Francesco's Optional New Items Add-on.esm.

Look, I just want a random mesh for my shield I dont give a EDIT: *DONT BAN ME* how it looks like, I just want to be able to see my shield so how do I do to clone another items mesh and use it for this shield? Thats all I want to know!


EDIT 2: Im using OBSE; OBMM and Wrye Bash

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Are you using ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated? If so, there is a change that needs to be made to the ini settings. I had a similar issue with Frans Optional Add-ons and this fixed it for me. Look for sArchiveList=Oblivion at the end of the ini list and add this at the end: FraNewItems.bsa. Save and off you go.
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Are you using ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated? If so, there is a change that needs to be made to the ini settings. I had a similar issue with Frans Optional Add-ons and this fixed it for me. Look for sArchiveList=Oblivion at the end of the ini list and add this at the end: FraNewItems.bsa. Save and off you go.


Thank you SO much I can't explain to you how much I appreciate your help, and such a good explaination aswell!

I started off with finding ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated.bsa, which I truly had in the datafolder, I just double clicked it for some reason and this BSA Browser popped up with some non-understandable shiet. I closed the window and then OBMM popped up, closed that aswell. Then I opened my .ini file and found the sArchiveList=Oblivion. at the end of it, it already said FraNewItems.bsa. That pissed me off hardcore since I though I wouldnt be able to fix the problem via your lill tip in that post, anyway I started the game anyway just to be sure I was right...


Well I wasn't the shield was there and its fckn beautiful! xD THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

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