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Suggestions for File Categories


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Not sure if this has been suggested previously, but this is something I've been thinking about for a while and I believe the File Categories need to be improved and/or enhanced in some way on both TESNexus and FO3Nexus. There are a few categories that are getting rather large, which makes browsing those categories a very daunting task indeed!


On TESNexus the following categories need to be looked at:

Armor/Armour, currently has 1141 files

Gameplay Effects and Changes, currently has 2362 files

Miscellaneous, currently has 1504 files

Models And Textures, currently has 1594 files

Weapons, currently has 973 files


On FO3Nexus the following categories need to be looked at:

Gameplay Effects and Changes, currently has 1120 files

Models and Textures, currently has 935 files

Weapons, currently has 1328 files


So, I guess the question now would be how to improve and/or enhance those categories? Possible suggestions could be:

Armor (and Clothing) could be seperated into sub-categories for the different body types (EC/HGEC, Growlfs, Roberts, UFF, Type3, Breezes, Naouak's, etc)

Weapons could be seperated into Melee and Ranged

Models and Textures could be seperated into Creatures, Characters, Armor/Clothing, Landscape, Buildings

Gameplay Effects and Changes could be seperated into Environment, Spells, Combat, Creatures, Characters

Miscellaneous could be seperated into Collections, Bug Fixes, Levelling


These are just a few category suggestions, I hope others will read this and make their own suggestions that will, eventually, provide a decent selection of options for Dark0ne and the Admins to consider.

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Not sure if this has been suggested previously, but this is something I've been thinking about for a while and I believe the File Categories need to be improved and/or enhanced in some way on both TESNexus and FO3Nexus. There are a few categories that are getting rather large, which makes browsing those categories a very daunting task indeed!


On TESNexus the following categories need to be looked at:

Armor/Armour, currently has 1141 files

Gameplay Effects and Changes, currently has 2362 files

Miscellaneous, currently has 1504 files

Models And Textures, currently has 1594 files

Weapons, currently has 973 files


On FO3Nexus the following categories need to be looked at:

Gameplay Effects and Changes, currently has 1120 files

Models and Textures, currently has 935 files

Weapons, currently has 1328 files


So, I guess the question now would be how to improve and/or enhance those categories? Possible suggestions could be:

Armor (and Clothing) could be seperated into sub-categories for the different body types (EC/HGEC, Growlfs, Roberts, UFF, Type3, Breezes, Naouak's, etc)

Weapons could be seperated into Melee and Ranged

Models and Textures could be seperated into Creatures, Characters, Armor/Clothing, Landscape, Buildings

Gameplay Effects and Changes could be seperated into Environment, Spells, Combat, Creatures, Characters

Miscellaneous could be seperated into Collections, Bug Fixes, Levelling


These are just a few category suggestions, I hope others will read this and make their own suggestions that will, eventually, provide a decent selection of options for Dark0ne and the Admins to consider.



Read this:




Then contemplate this, there was originally 14 categories




Dungeons and Locations

Gameplay Effects and Changes


Hair and Faces

Items, Objects and Clothes


Models And Textures

New Lands


Official Plugins

Quests And Adventures

Races, Classes and Birthsigns


Weapons And Armour



, there are now about 50.



Default - I forgot to set this.

Abodes - Player homes

Animals, Creatures, Mounts & Horses



Audio, Sound and Music

Castles, Palaces, Mansions and Estates

Cheats and God Items

Cities, Towns, Villages and Hamlets



Companion Creatures

Companions -CM Based

Companions Other

Dungeons - New

Dungeons - Vanilla

Dungeons and Location


Gameplay Effects and Changes


Hair and Face Models


Items and Objects - Player

Items and Objects - World

Landscape Changes

Locations - New

Locations - Vanilla


Mercantiles (shops, stores, inns, taverns, etc)

Millionth Member Competition


Modders Resources & Tutorials

Models And Textures

New Lands

New structures - Buildings


Official Plugins



Quests And Adventures

Races, Classes and Birthsigns

Ruins, Forts and abandoned structures

Saved Games

Skills and Leveling


User Interfaces


Videos and Trailers

Visuals and Graphics


Weapons And Armour



It took me 60 hours just to split weapons and armors, another 40 to split buildings, companions another 25 hours, clothing, items and objects another 40....currently working on dungeons and locations. This is done in my free time, but with the server move and subsequent issues that needed to be tracked and addressed, it is about 4 weeks behind schedule. It will take more time than originally intended due to these events, but I will get it done.


This is being done by one person, me....each file page has to be loaded read, corrected to new conventions in file name, author name. version etc. etc before the category change will go through. Gameplay effects and changes will be the last one done.


Of course using the tag search would narrow down you search considerably.

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My apologies, I wasn't aware that the file categories are still being sorted. I am, however, fully aware that there are now a lot more file categories than were originally created! Thanks also for the link to the discussion thread, I guess my forum search failed to find it because I searched Forum Topics for "Categories" but that thread's topic spells it as "Catagories".


I don't see how using the tag search would help when you want to browse a specific category. Guessing that was a misunderstanding? Ah well, once again my apologies, both for failing to search the forums more thoroughly and for the pointless post. I'll endeavour to avoid making such a stupid mistake in the future.

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Damn, I hate when that happens....spell check does not work in topic titles, lol as I am the worlds worst at spelling. I can't get along without it.


But I do agree some more splitting may be necessary, or if possible subcategories....but that would require some coding to accomplish and only Dark0ne does this. Or another possibility is the addition of specific tags may also be an option. He is currently working on some new features that will vastly improve certain functions and commenting. He has a list he is working through one at a time, balancing things to better serve us all.


When I have been though them all once, I will open a new thread for discussion on further splitting or enhancing the system to make things easier to find.


Normally I try and do a few pages everyday during the week, and hit it hard on weekends. Dungeons and Locations have been split now and I am moving on to miscellaneous and then Models and Textures.


On the clothing and armor, I know male and female should be split off....further splitting by body type may also be needed, so sub categories here would be quite nice for all. But I do consider everything and go by how many would be in each as a basis for further splitting; if we split and get too definitive the effectiveness of the search become too diluted.


So if you have suggestions, recommendations I m open to them. If I came off a little harsh it was not my intent, just letting everyone know that I am still working on things. This is still very much a wip so suggest away. Now I am going to hide in the file admin area and keep quiet for a while.


Be well my friends.



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Spell checking can sometimes fail due to the different spellings of many words in UK English and US English. Never occured to me to try searching with a different spelling!


Would it be easier to make new suggestions now or after you've finished?


One thing regarding Armour and Clothing, if you were to split those by body types, would you also need to split by male and female? Ah well, I shall patiently await the conclusion of your current work-load to split the existing categories, by then the categories I mentioned may be much easier to browse.

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Recommend away when inspiration strikes, the more input the better the end result. I may skip misc. for now...looked at it and my ears are leaking from trying to figure out what is what!
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