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When ever i play fallout 3 it loads up fine it gets into game fine it playes fine but around 10mins into gameplay the game Crashes with a Error or it just closes SOMEONE PLZ TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!!!!!!!!! (i have unstalled and Installed about 10 times)
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Another prob is that the Fallout 3 exe has gone missing!!!!!!!! is that y??? even when i reinstall the game it should work fine but it doesnt!!!!!!!!!!!!! (im on XP so when i do the 1.7 update it says that the Falout exe is missing)


Edit: Playing with original files and no mods downloaded or installed i got an error report saying "Information regarding the condition of fallout 3 when the Problem occured; the operating system version and hardwear in use; ur Digital Product ID, which could be used to identify ur liscence; and the Internet Protocol (IP) Adress of ur computer. It has 2 more paragraphs after that but i would have thought that if i had no Mods on or anything like that it wouldnt have had any Probs im gana try agian and Update this as much as possible!


Edit: Now it wont even let me get to main menu it has this error now... "failed to intalize render. unknown error creating the Gamebyro Renderer

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Wow. You need serious professional assistance, there.


Should i just Return fallout 3 or can this be fixed fast??? i really want to play but im thinking about returning this and preOrdering ODST.


Edit: i had to send Bethesda an email because they did have 1!! of my Problems THIS F***IN BLOWS!!!!!!!!!!


Edit: "The following files will be included in this error repot:C:\DOCUME~1\Landen\LOCALS~1\Temp\cc81_appcompat.txt" Yet another error Report

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