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What program should I use for making custom models?


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Okay so I have NifSkope and blender, I couldn't get blender to import/export .Nif's and with nifskope as far as I know you can only edit guns not make you're own, I'm only looking for FREE Programs, I'd love to hear you're recommendation thanks!

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I couldn't get blender to import/export .Nif's

You can only import from/export into NIF format with Blender 2.49b, and it required that you install Python+libraries. All the information and links can be found on this page.

You can use the latest Blender release to do all the actual work and then, when ready to export, save your work as .blend, open it with v2.49 and export as NIF.

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It's possible to have 2 different versions of blender at the same time?




Quick question, what scripting language does geck use?

The GECK uses the Gamebryo language (that is, native to the Gamebryo engine the game was built on) that doesn't particularly resemble any programming language I know.

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