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OMOD's for Modder's Resources


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I'm not sure whether this is in the correct section of the forums or not, but here goes.


I've made OMOD's for all of my mods in use, but want to create an OMOD for the modder's resource files I use, and as a rule, these have NO esp or esm file, so the OMOD creator doesn't recognise them as a mod.


Has anyone any idea on how to get around this problem, as I do know that soon I'm going to have to re-initialise the whole of my system, since I am going to upgrade to Windows 7. That means all my files will have to be re-loaded from scratch.


Anyway, that's not a terrific problem, since I have the necessary programme disks, and can easily backup any other data that may be required (save files and the like)

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since modders resources are generally just going to be meshes/textures and the like you'd need to create your own mod adding them in the CS and then you could make that into an omod, i assume. (ive never made an omod so like i said, im making an assumption here <.<)
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A modders resource is not actually a mod, but is intended to be used in the construction set to use in new mods. As ipegot suggested, you may have to make it a mod to get it into OMOD format. (How are you currently using a modders resource without adding it to a mod?)


As to Win7, just save your save game directory, Oblivion.ini and your data directory each with a new name. If you are planning on reformatting your drive, put them on a CD. Then when you are ready to play Oblivion, do a new install using the game DVD. Do NOT patch or add any mods yet. Start the game and make a save. this will create your ini file and initialize some other stuff. Now, if you have SI, install that. again start the game and make a save. This changes some of the stuff that was initialized to make it compatible with SI. NOW patch (unless you have the GOTY edition which does not need to be patched). If you have not changed any hardware, you can copy the Oblivion.ini back also. if you have changed any hardware, use the new ini and tweak it to what you want. copy your original data folder back, that will restore all of your mods. copy the saves directory and you will have all of your saved games.


I recommend re downloading and reinstalling utility programs such as the construction set, OBMM, OBSE, Wrye Bash, 7-zip and any others to be sure you have the latest versions and they are registered properly in the new Win7 registry.


This would be a good time to copy your fresh installed data folder to a back up location outside of the Oblivion directory.


I have been using Win7 x64 for several months with no problems, and this is the procedure I used. It worked for me. Win7 has been more stable than WinXP.

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Thanks to bben46 and ipegot for your excellent advice.


I had just shut down, and re-loaded a mod, the next thing was that Oblivion would not start! Any way thanks bben46 for your sound advice, I did load as you suggested, and found that there was an updated mod for OBSE and for OBMM. I loaded these one at a time, checking and saving each time. Then I loaded the OMOD's a few at a time; all was well until I attempted to load a mod that I had not been able to create as an OMOD. Then the programme just crashed.


The problem mod was "Journal_Mod_v3x2x1-15294.zip", the next step is to see if there is an update for this and if so I'll download it. If not, I should be able to run the game OK without it. I don't have SI - at least not on this game disk - since I don't think that it's particularly good. For the same reason I only have 7 of the 9 expansions on, the two missing are "Wizards Tower" (aka Frostcrag Spire) and "Vile Lair" since i think these two unbalance the game.


Once again, thanks for your help.

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