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Armor modding disaster


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I'm having trouble making a custom armor piece. It's not my first time doing armor mod, but I have no idea what is going on now.


Here, let me show you. In pic 1, we have my armor in Blender. Tested it with Growlfs TES5 Blender Animation Chain and everything is fine, even better than expected.


In pic 2, we can see the armor in Nifskope. A promising WIP.


Finally, in pic 3, we can see how Skyrim (CK, in this case) renders my armor





My question is:





If anyone has any idea on how I can solve this, I'll put my soul in a black soul gem and fedex it to you in gratitude.

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I'm by no means an expert, but I have done some dabbling with armor. From the looks of it, you don't have the weight slider setup correctly. Basically, if your armor_0 and armor_1 mesh aren't the same size in terms of memory...the game has a brainfart and hideously deforms the mesh. As a test, try copying your armor_1 mesh and renaming it to armor_0. Or vice versa.

Edited by Kraeten
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I did that and that's why I was so baffled.


But it's ok now. After much fiddling, the armor looks fine. Except when it doesn't show at all. It's still conflicting with other armor parts, so I'll have to fiddle a little more. If it works, I'll update this post.


EDIT: Yeah, the armor is only rendered properly when there are no gauntlets and boots. I've tried all combinations of body part numbers in BSDismemberSkinInstance and yet this is the best I can get. Maybe I'll put sandals on my guards so they'll be able to patrol with some comfort. Poor guards. (Supposing the armor only has trouble with calves and forearms and not with feet)

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Yes, I did.



I've made all sorts of combinations with 32, 34 and 38 in the armor mesh, the body parts mesh, armor add-on and armor forms. Right now I'm going with 32, 34, 38 for body mesh, 32 for armor mesh and 32, 34, 38 for both armor add on and armor forms. It conflicts even with shoes and gloves, which are 37 and 33 respectively (no sandals for the guards, then).


I've just realised that since 2:00 PM I've been saving the files with wrong names (the second S from cuirass was missing). Also, there is this log file, EditorWarning.txt, which reads:


File: C:\_Skyrim\Code\TESV\Gamebryo\CoreLibs\NiMain\BSDismemberSkinInstance.cpp

Line: 267
Data array for partition does not match partition count.

1428 times.

Now game and CK show random results. I'll have to export it again.

It's working!! Went back and redid everything from bone weight and now it's working. But for some arcane reason, my new version of the helmet is being rendered 90° ccw. Go figure. In fact, it's distorted.



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