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Can someone help me make my character into a follower mod?


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No, items from other mods would not automatically be included.


You have three options on using custom content with your NPC:


Option #1

Temporarily turn the other mod plugins into false flagged plugins. In Wrye Bash it is called "esmify". It will make the Creation Kit think that they are master files rather than plugins. Make sure they are in the correct order as your load order. The CK loads up by install date rather than any designated load order. Once you have all desired mods esmified, load them up in the Creation Kit. You can then use the mod items and they will stick with your plugin. This tho requires the user to have those mods or yours will not work. This is the best non-script solution for releasing a mod that uses another mod's assets. Still it is a good idea to ask the original authors about using assets in this manner.


Option #2

Recreate the other mod's items in your own plugin. This tho requires definite permission from the original authors.


Option #3

Use a script that uses GetFormFromFile() and pulls the desired items for use if and only if the player has those mods installed. This would be preferable if you had a stock armor you were ok using but wanted to use something else if it were available.


For personal use, I would recommend #1. It is by far the easiest, IMHO.

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