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Most fun SkyRe Builds/Classes you have played?


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if you want to be completely OP, be an arcane archer, max out augmented flames and ice and then get the weapon perks of enchantment. you can then do 150 odd fire damage and 150 ice damage as well as the base damage from bot the bow and arrow and it's a build that you can rp in almost any environment aswell :)

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with the sniper bow pack (adds sights to bows etc), the proper aiming mod and the ini tweaks to make the arrows actually go where you aim + immersive HUD, Archer is a damn fine road to go down. I usually always use ASIS to multiple spawn points by 8 or 9, but my arcane archer build is op on non boss types, takes people down in one hit, so if you use a shortbow (using Skyre) you can kill 15 bad guys legolas style and speed if you have the right perks.

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^Yup. Arcane Archer too. Plus the fact that I have Sands of Time, taking down 20 rampaging bandits trying to ambush you is an exhilirating rush, especially when they call reinforcements. You can't be OP with Sands of TIme. Even the above build doesn't really make you OP.

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Orc with heavy armour heavy weaponry enchanting and alteration spells that raise your armour rating even more, really really fun to stand in front of a bandit for 15 seconds while he is swinging his weapon at you doing no damage then killing him with 2 blows

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Arcane archer with maxed out destruction and maxed out enchanting and marksman is OP, can take out no boss targets in one shot and with a short bow and fast reloading times, you can take out groups in no time, infact i went through an entire dungeon on my own and killed everything before they even got wit in striking distance, it depends how you play and how good you at it.

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Arcane archer with maxed out destruction and maxed out enchanting and marksman is OP, can take out no boss targets in one shot and with a short bow and fast reloading times, you can take out groups in no time, infact i went through an entire dungeon on my own and killed everything before they even got wit in striking distance, it depends how you play and how good you at it.


Depends on the mod build as well. My mod build makes me like 1 - 3 shots as well from an opponent, and since Sands of Time spawns random opponents around you (no more you know where everybody is/will spawn), you die still. There are times when it spawns opponents suddenly behind you and all you get is a text warning. You really won't understand until you use that mod. No corridor can ever be considered "cleared".

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