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Mothership Zeta


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Mothership Zeta looked epic, with all the new weapons and items and new loactions. But it turned out to be a huge letdown. Repetetive missions... some areas just being re-texs of vaults... crappy aliens... crappydeath ray bit... no decent armours or clothes given... crap guns given...

It just wasnt that good... Wasted 800ms points on it >:(


So, did anyone else think it was crap?

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You're not alone in your opinion, actually. I have no opinion myself, but I thought it was amusing how within the first 3 days of release, there was nothing but praise heaped on MZ. Now, suddenly it's become trendy to dump on MZ. All I can say is that's quite a 180 you guys pulled off there.


Honestly, you call it "crap"? You're one of the few people I've heard say that. Even people who compared Anchorage favorably with MZ didn't go that far.

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It was crap. I mean, if its going to be the last DLC for FO3, then shouldnt it be amazing? And I never praised it, only got it yesterday and only played it today.
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I liked the Sci-fi feel to it, but was dissapoinbted a bit too, the aliens were push overs... The Abominations were tho hard... were crap too.... and there were the only versions!! I wea expecting more veriaty of abominations such as the Aliens Or Wanamingos return from Fallout 2... hell they would be a challenge! As for the ship corridors.... i was hoping for a Ship wide alarm going off, ya know where at the start the alarms go off... it would have made the atmosphere more dramatic but nope... shame shame, the surrounding Sounds + abience (lighting) does it for me and they were sorta lacking in it.... The weps were ok but flipping underpowered compared to the Alien Blaster...


At the End, I was expecting the Bridge to be some sort of Giant Chamber, similar to the Engineering Section, with a Big Alien Robot piloted by the Captain or something... but ya cant expect everything... Thats what Moddes are for right? Make the experience more exciting!

Out of 5? I give a 2.5 to it....

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I was pleased with what there was in MZ, but I think it could be better in a couple of ways:


1. Don't close off most of the ship after the main questline is finished. It would be awesome if you could continue to roam the ship and hunt down the remaining alien crew, which leads me to my second point...


2. A ship the size of the mothership should have a huge amount of crew, I mean thousands of little green men. It didn't seem like I killed that many aliens on my playthrough of the quest. During the final stages of Among the Stars, you see that your defrostees have started barricading the engineering core. What for if there are no alien crew attempting to thwart your take over attempt?


Overall I enjoyed the addon. I thought the levels were modeled very well, if a bit confusing at times and it was to me at least, very visually striking. I also found the voice acting in the Abductee Recordings to be very good and entertaining. The variety of people and their reactions to being taken was highly amusing and sometimes painful to listen to. I would have to rate it a 8 of 10. What keeps me from saying it deserves a 10 is simply the lack of replayability. Alien Hunting, that's what's needed. I hope somebody releases a mod that reopens the rest of the ship and repopulates it with respawning alien resistance trying to take back their ship. Periodic assaults on the bridge and/or engineering core would be awesome.

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