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Auriel's Sword


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Damn it, spend a few more hours today on finding the issue with the script...it looks right but still not working. There is nothing better than spending one half of the day repairing your car and the other one on bugfixing.


Will give it a last try tomorrow...the whole mod is quite finished, if i don't get it to work i'll simply release it without sun effect - can't waste my half lifetime on that :D

Edited by ghosu
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Atm, while i'm bothering with the damn script, i'm looking for a quick way to integrate the weapons to the game...because of lack of time i won't make a fancy quest or whatever. And tbh. i'm more a modeler, CK work is not my favourite part.


The common way: Adding them to the forge. If i do so - no requirements or elvish gear? If i set no requirements people will complain that it is elven gear and to easy to get (forging them is already easy),

if i make them elvish people without smithing perks will complain that they have no access (and of course these guys won't use the console to get them). And btw, since most other mods add gear to the forge as well, people will also complain that their crafting menu is total overkill.


So i think it might be better just to place them in the world, in a crate / ruin or whatever...all weapons, 2 of each kind. Only ammo would be craftable at the forge. I guess not many people would need more than 2 pieces of each version - if you want more for followers you can use another version, atm i've got 4 1h swords with slightly altered design so it would be 4x2= 8 very similar sword, more than enough. And in worst case you can still use the console.


I really don't want to make 10 different versions of the mod (craftable without perk, craftable with perk, placed in world, one version that comes with own vanilla textures, one that works with retextures. different damage values and whatever- atm it's slightly better than DLC1 weapons, and whatever) because IF i ever update this mod it would be quite a mess.


I'm already looking forward to the comment section of this mod, will be filled with complains. :D



1 x Crossbow

2 x enchanted bolts

2 x normal bolts

2 x normal arrows

2 x Longsword

2 x Shortsword

1 x Greatsword

1 x Dagger



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Seems simple enough...put them in a mini master chest behind the statue of Auri-El. Another option would be putting them in a container where ever you get the bow and shield. If they are obtained separately then split the items up so you get the swords when you get the shield and the crossbow when you get the bow. So you kinda have to do the quest to obtain them.


I wish i had a little more insight on how to implement them into the world, but i havent event started the Dawnguard DLC yet XD lol. So thats the best and most immersive way i can come up with at the moment.

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I agree with Ashen. The swords where you find the shield, and the crossbow with a set of bolts where you get the bow.


I asked earlier, Ghosu, if these weapons would have a Bloodcursed counterpart. You don't suppose you could let someone esle do that, if you don't have the time yourself? I think a lot of people would want that, and it would fit perfectly since all these weapons are Auriel's.

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I asked earlier, Ghosu, if these weapons would have a Bloodcursed counterpart. You don't suppose you could let someone esle do that, if you don't have the time yourself? I think a lot of people would want that, and it would fit perfectly since all these weapons are Auriel's.


As i stated, i havent played through the Dawnguard yet, so im unsure how the bloodcursed mechanic works exactly. From what i do know though, im confused as to how a bloodcursed melee weapon would even work considering you have to fire the bloodcursed arrows at the sun for them to have an effect. So im just interested in what you had in mind for having that enchantment on the rest of the weapons

Edited by Ashengrace
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Nope, i don't let other people work on my (bigger) mods.

Fair enough.





As i stated, i havent played through the Dawnguard yet, so im unsure how the bloodcursed mechanic works exactly. From what i do know though, im confused as to how a bloodcursed melee weapon would even work considering you have to fire the bloodcursed arrows at the sun for them to have an effect. So im just interested in what you had in mind for having that enchantment on the rest of the weapons


To be honest, I haven't played the Vampire faction yet, so I haven't used bloodcursed stuff either. I just figured since the bow itself has a bloodcursed counterpart, surely that could be applied to a melee weapon too. With the sunhallowed bow, you still do sun damage even without sunhallowed arrows, much like how you do frost damage with a frost-enchanted bow without arrows with the same enchantment. The sunhallowed/bloodcursed arrows simply amplify the effects or the enchantments, as well as are plot-important.


EDIT: Well now I certainly feel stupid. Previously I thought the bow and the shield both had BC versions, but none of them do, it seems after doing some actual research.

So, uh, forget I even brought up the question.

Edited by faffman
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