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How Long For The Next TES?


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Morrowind was released in 2002

Oblivion was released in 2006

Skyrim was released in 2011


Judging by this pattern of four to five years between release dates, I think it's safe to say we may start hearing something serious about TES VI sometime around 2015-2016. News about early-mid development could come sooner, but I wouldn't expect another game before then.

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I'd expect it to be a bit later than 2016 because of the possibility that ESO may give more leeway allowing Bethesda to delay the deadline for TES6. It won't be a bad thing, considering how many unfinished stuff they left in Skyrim which would have made the game much better (Civil War Overhaul is an example, since it uses a lot of abandoned/deactivated vanilla assets for the Civil War questline).

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Since ESO is run by Zenimax, why cant Bethesda release a TES Game by Next Year aswell if they are ready, why wait till ESO is old news.


More importantly, why is there no news of a New Game from Bethesda, weather its Fallout 4 or any other Game by Bethesda.


Are they Broke or something, why simply cut Skyrim and say they are done with it.

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Since ESO is run by Zenimax, why cant Bethesda release a TES Game by Next Year aswell if they are ready, why wait till ESO is old news.


Beth is not holding back - It just takes 5 to 6 YEARS to make a TES game. Zenimax online's ESO is not changing the Beth release cycle. Zenimax online is a completely separate operation. Beth has a lot of sunk cost into that next game already. They will not see any recovery or repayment until that game is actually released - so they will release it as soon as they think they have most of the bugs worked out.


Right now, My guess is that Fallout4 is likely in the running to be the next Beth release - hopefully late this year. But I won't hold my breath. I wouldn't mind a longer delay if it means a new game engine that runs 64 bit and a better SDK released at the same time. :yes:

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An Interview with Todd Howard indicated that we could be waiting awhile. There is no currently planned release schedule for another Bethesda Game Studio's game. That includes Fallout 4. They are aware of the complaints regarding the lack of balance in Skyrim and it's relative shortage of meaningful decisions, and want to take time to properly address them. They are also exploring upcomming technology, as the Creation Engine is only slated for one more title (likely Fallout 4) which means they need to know what engine system they will transition to before laying any concrete plans.


At the earliest, we may see Fallout 4 late this year, though 2015 is more likely. TES6 will be 2016 at the earliest, unless Bethesda finds some way to radically shorten development with whatever they replace the Creation Engine with.

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They are also exploring upcomming technology, as the Creation Engine is only slated for one more title (likely Fallout 4) which means they need to know what engine system they will transition to before laying any concrete plans.



Oh my various gods are they finally dropping Gamebryo? If they are then I'll have to reconsider my decision to buy the next TES game then.

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