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Good PC games...


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What are some good free roaming RPGs/FPSs/action anything else free roam...ey


Prefrebly they can be bought on Steam, but I dont mind walking into town to my local GAME store to buy it.


Anyway, yeah...

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well nothing new is good have you ever played baldurs gate 1 or 2






baldurs gate 1 looks a little dated now but 2 looks alot better also you can pick them up cheap from game ect and they work on vista / windows 7 as well :D




see cheap 14 pound and thats 4 games :D if you like that get Icewind dale 1 , 2 as well these may cost you more

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You could check out the rest of the fallout series if you don't have them




Mass Effect




Bioshock (need to verify your age first though)








Just a few on Steam

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The Witcher is worth a look.


I like The Witcher, too, though it's not really free-roaming and I have to play the entire game as a scar-faced albino guy.


Two Worlds is an Oblivion wannabe you could take a look at. It was cheap enough that even I own it.

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