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Assign more then 1 texture to a single mesh?


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Hello there fellow modders,


I've recently caught interest in making my own 3d meshes for skyrim. So far so good, but when it comes to their texturing, I'm wondering about one thing:

In other games I've modded, it is possible to use multiple, different textures on the very same mesh. I know that this was not possible in TES IV: Oblivion, since every mesh only had one xx.dds, xx_n.dds (and so on) texture file.


Does this still apply (as I fear) to Skyrim? I'd really love to create some highresolution-textured things, with AO baked into them etc. This is, however, not quite possible with one single texture only. I could of course split the mesh into several single parts, add them together later on in the CK by using the same pivot point. Still, is there a way to use multiple textures for one mesh?



Thanks in advance.


Best regards

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Afaik it's not possible...at least i haven't seen this function since i started modding Skyrim at its release. One NiTriShape, one textureset so i guess you have to split it as mentioned.

Edited by ghosu
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It depends on how much you're wanting to separate, to be honest. You can have multiple NiTriShapes within a .nif file and assign a separate texture to each, so that it still appears as a single item in the CK. As far as assigning multiple textures to the *same* part of a mesh, like overlaying them, then no I don't think it's possible.

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That's what i meant with "splitting"...ah, okay you wanted to make several .nif files and "merge" them in CK. I meant it like the other 2 guys...several splitted parts in different NiTriShapes with own texturesets in one .nif :)

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