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pls make immortals (READ PLS)


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hello guys i tried to make my own texture but i seem to fail open dds with photoshop even tho i have nvida plugin.


I was trying to edit normal armor in skyrim using CK and make it look like armor from immortals where the gods use them (poseidon).


I failed so i shut it down, but u guys make it better.


Can someone pls make 1 mod including the Gold Armor the gods use? with also the gauntles and boots and helmet with spikes, then i can edit them in CK and changing their rating and value.



Pls, how easy it is to create this armor? How long would it take for a person to create this kind of armors?





and pls respond anyone

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Pls, how easy it is to create this armor? How long would it take for a person to create this kind of armors?




How easy doing it from the scratch? For a beginner in 3D modeling quite impossible...at least it takes a lot of learning, the most difficult part is not the modeling but the weighting of the models - so they are attached to the character's body and stay in position, morph when you move and work with the weight slider.


Texturing would be no big deal since it's a simple look. But then comes the time consuming part, porting the models to .nif files and importing to the game - that takes quite some time.


How long it would takes? Depends on the quality level and skill...can be 20 hours, can be >100. This calculations just count for experienced modders. So yeah, good luck on that. greetings

Edited by ghosu
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