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You'll find most people think Americans are "stupid" because our own media is flooded with American media, which isn't to everyone's tastes. People then start to believe that Fox News and Friends is what the American people are actually like. Of course anyone that has been to America a couple of times will know that's not the case, but this is what happens when you start dumping all your stuff on other countries and they begin to take it on board!
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You'll find most people think Americans are "stupid" because our own media is flooded with American media, which isn't to everyone's tastes. People then start to believe that Fox News and Friends is what the American people are actually like. Of course anyone that has been to America a couple of times will know that's not the case, but this is what happens when you start dumping all your stuff on other countries and they begin to take it on board!

indeed your observation is very accurate.I rarely watch anything related to fox or ted turner in general.American media is a vast exercise in duplicity and edited coverage of anything against certain agendas pertaining to many things in the states. I actually get better news from other country news media.

We are not stupid but we have become lazy in many ways and its just now dawning on many Americans that we need to start paying attention to what "our" government is doing before we lose what so many have laid their lives down to create and maintain.

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You'll find most people think Americans are "stupid" because our own media is flooded with American media, which isn't to everyone's tastes. People then start to believe that Fox News and Friends is what the American people are actually like. Of course anyone that has been to America a couple of times will know that's not the case, but this is what happens when you start dumping all your stuff on other countries and they begin to take it on board!

Hiya Dark One, How do you do?


*curtsies : )


Fox News can be entertaining. Umm, but hey americans landed on the moon, produced the AC Cobra, had Johnny Mac. ousting Borg with cries of 'are you kidding me!', created something called Windows, elected Arnie and let him keep his Conan sword in office, gave us Oblivion, and ships Leno over to help Clarkson on occasion. That's a decent innings right there. Thanks, no, I'll pass on the Voodoo Doughnut Burger.


Sure I'd take Olivier, Burton, Stamp (not Stewart!), Glenda Jackson, and Lindsay Duncan over what America might offer, but there's no need to be mean about it.


We are deeply in McLuhan's 'medium is the message' forecasted state. Yet, each of us can attempt to acquire an independent and rich awareness. To that end, I would submit that the bias is local and not so prevalent. Everyone is too otherwise busy themselves keeping afloat.



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What never fails to amaze me, is how short-sighted many Americans are, generally. There seems a wide-scale inability to conceive that what is good for society, "the Greater Good" is also always good for the individual in the long run, if not immediately in the short term.



Every man for himself is not how great civilizations were forged. They were built on the clan concept of society, where individuals serve society for the gain and protection of all. Capitalism makes a mockery of the concept and is destined to failure, sooner or later.


And the Corporate Capitalism we have now has no goal or interest in societal preservation at all. The entire vested interest of corporate capitalism is to create wealth, exploit all resources unapologetically, and has no need to consider the future.


But I can tell you this, my grandchildren would pay a lot more for a clean glass of water than they would care about paying some taxes that insured they had clean air and water. I guarantee it.


Anyone who doesn't see the simple beauty of that logic, is an ignoramus.

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If the only thing you have seen about us Americans, is the tube and the trash that is posted on the net......you have nothing else to relate to. Therefore you assume what you have seen is reality. You haven't met the average american, talked to him, broke bread with him....you just have images and sound bites to base your opinion on.



What is your opinion on the average ethiopian, living in a mud and stick hut in the villages surrounding Lalibela who worship at St Georges Church?




Yes I have been there, nicest people I have ever met, not well educated by our standards but intelligent and well mannered, but don't try the mess and sewa [native drinks not sure of the spelling] they will give you the worst hangover in the world. But the trip is well worth it. Had the chance to visit that any many places when I was stationed at Kagnew station, in Asmara Ethiopia.






Most beautiful woman I ever met was there, knock your socks off type.....but stunningly beautiful.

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You'll find most people think Americans are "stupid" because our own media is flooded with American media, which isn't to everyone's tastes. People then start to believe that Fox News and Friends is what the American people are actually like. Of course anyone that has been to America a couple of times will know that's not the case, but this is what happens when you start dumping all your stuff on other countries and they begin to take it on board!

Hiya Dark One, How do you do?


*curtsies : )


Fox News can be entertaining. Umm, but hey americans landed on the moon, produced the AC Cobra, had Johnny Mac. ousting Borg with cries of 'are you kidding me!', created something called Windows, elected Arnie and let him keep his Conan sword in office, gave us Oblivion, and ships Leno over to help Clarkson on occasion. That's a decent innings right there. Thanks, no, I'll pass on the Voodoo Doughnut Burger.


Sure I'd take Olivier, Burton, Stamp (not Stewart!), Glenda Jackson, and Lindsay Duncan over what America might offer, but there's no need to be mean about it.


We are deeply in McLuhan's 'medium is the message' forecasted state. Yet, each of us can attempt to acquire an independent and rich awareness. To that end, I would submit that the bias is local and not so prevalent. Everyone is too otherwise busy themselves keeping afloat.




Well, you know what they say: What you see on TV/radio/newpapers is what you get, whether or not it is true. And rarely, is it unbiased.


I stumble across extremely biased articles or such sometimes about other people which are just absolutely disgusting due to the level of "biasness" (you might say). I can never read/listen to those sorts of things.


I have met lots of friendly people here in the US, my home country, while at the same time I have also met a lot of jerks. It's like that everywhere though -- it's merely human nature.

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...What is your opinion on the average ethiopian, living in a mud and stick hut in the villages surrounding Lalibela who worship at St Georges Church?

Hi Buddah.


*waves at Admin


My response, rather than opinion, is that they are likely to have a perspective separate from my own. And, that were I, like you, to make their acquaintance it would be a pleasure and privilege to explore and appreciate an old and rich culture. I might also learn stuff about myself.


..Every man for himself is not how great civilizations were forged. They were built on the clan concept of society, where individuals serve society for the gain and protection of all. Capitalism makes a mockery of the concept and is destined to failure, sooner or later. .

You speak to the 'illusion' I mentioned to Monarch_Anor. And, empires fall.

..I have met lots of friendly people here in the US, my home country, while at the same time I have also met a lot of jerks. It's like that everywhere though -- it's merely human nature.

And that's a fair point. It can happen that one group will say disparaging things against another. In the grand scheme, does it matter? Validating the bias just serves to encourage a sense of insecurity or self consciousness.



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I've never been to America, but many of my aqcuiaintances have, some regularly. I'll have to say they react... quite unimpressed, all of them. However, american people I met here, at least those I had some time knowing and older than teenagers... well, if there's anything wrong with them, then I haven't yet noticed that.
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I've never been to America, but many of my aqcuiaintances have, some regularly. I'll have to say they react... quite unimpressed, all of them. However, american people I met here, at least those I had some time knowing and older than teenagers... well, if there's anything wrong with them, then I haven't yet noticed that.


There are always cultural differences in among different nations and all have different interpretations of what is impressive/interesting and what is not. But the more we know of each other, the less the fighting among peoples as they'll know more of what to and what not to say/do to specific cultures.


And as we can't see other people's expressions and such while on the net, the experience of meeting different peoples will always be different from what you get on the net from what you'll get to meeting those people in real-life.

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