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I myself wouldn't be able to tell you what's right and wrong, as everyone has their own opinions and values that matter to them.

and indeed thats the way things are.people will think what they want,when they want,for their own reasons and sometimes those reasons baffle even the most inteligent on any continent or in any country.

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I myself wouldn't be able to tell you what's right and wrong, as everyone has their own opinions and values that matter to them.

and indeed thats the way things are.people will think what they want,when they want,for their own reasons and sometimes those reasons baffle even the most inteligent on any continent or in any country.

You're a wise person, great Lady. :thumbsup:


Fundamental anarchy or absolute tyranny - that is the question.

That's why all people need good guidance for growing in mind and sharing out our world, it's really important for humankind's future.


The absolute needs... of good guidance.


I'm not an expert about economy, financial, politic and social rules and never intended to be one, but this is a serious problem and pretty enough to be food for thought.

You know our "civilised" world is based upon a consumption society model in mostly ways, and it's easy to see that all is turning on our needs of happiness.


"American dream - American way of life - etc..." no doubt about this, mostly peoples in the world have admired it enviously in one way or another to do as American does/did, just because it intend in itself "social win and success" in their minds. But how about this dream... Is it true that every people have access to it or is it an unreachable one... What means "social win and success" for people... Being happy and having a big car, a wonderful house, and the best job for building your own little realm full of gold? This is not for everyone, only a few people have the favour to access on, sometimes you need to be spoon-fed or be born with a silver spoon in your mouth, please don't see jealousy or bad meanings in those words, it is just a matter of facts.


"About awareness..." in many instances, the collective awareness depends on priority and/or political and economical orientations of a country, and collective behavior have not the same signification between a country and others. In a collective point of view, ways of thinking may differ if you live in America, Europea, Asia, Africa, or Australia for various reasons. It depends on so many parameters... About the way to be happy, priorities are not the same if you are a citizen of U.S. and a native Australian: you will sometimes be happy for having a new car or just trying to survive in natural environment. It is so far easy to find other examples...


Often becoming conscious of that difference could already be too much for some people... and this is not going too far to have said that.


"The power of media..." nowadays the media have a real big influence in our everyday life. Their powers grows in impact, as they show us a way of life based on consumption's needs... What's about our needs? It goes the same way as our dream for happiness, some are useful and others too superficial, and most people are falling in the second category. Of course, we are living in a material world, but the media's market expansion strategy make profit in it for growing in impact, and so having the power to show their absolute needs in our life... without "them" our dreams of happiness simply "doesn't exist"... It is quite as simple as that. Hopefully, most of the people are wise for making choices, but how many of them...


"Stereotyped needs..." all the time, we could see many examples of stereotyped needs in our life. And the most of them are creature comforts. How could people imagine today a world without cellular phones, just for an epic one... I recently watched on a french TV channel a criticism about the impact of fast-foods in America, as we have in France a different point of view in usual food. We know that scientists have made a lot of search in that way, and obesity is becoming a serious healthy problem in all the world. Before the conclusion of this coverage, reporters have interviewed the Big-boss of the most famous one, don't need to say whom, and at the end he had to answer at this question: "Are your hamburgers good for health...", do you think he put an answer in style of "...no, don't buy them..." His answer was: "My hamburgers are the best in the world, and they are good for health..." In the conclusion, experts gave refutation on his response...


So, I'll stop here as a pm is not enough to address all aspects of this problem, just take a look on those little thought-worthy words:


"Let the people dreaming on something they need

and they would leave you quiet for growing your powers...

Don't give them abilities whereof dreaming

and they will go in hurt and lead you away making you weakly..."


"In conclusion..." it's simply a question of common sense and gesture of goodwill to give good guidances for making a better world for everyone, not an ego one, just endly to understand each other instead of tear each other to pieces... :smile:





Sorry for this long pm, and thank you for reading it entirely...

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I myself wouldn't be able to tell you what's right and wrong, as everyone has their own opinions and values that matter to them.

and indeed thats the way things are.people will think what they want,when they want,for their own reasons and sometimes those reasons baffle even the most inteligent on any continent or in any country.

You're a wise person, great Lady. :thumbsup:


Fundamental anarchy or absolute tyranny - that is the question.

That's why all people need good guidance for growing in our world, it's really important for humankind's future.


The absolute needs... of good guidance.


I'm not an expert about economy, financial, politic and social rules and never intended to be one, but this is a serious problem and pretty enough to be food for thought.

You know our (civilised) world is based upon a consumption society model in mostly ways, and it's easy to see that all is turning on our needs of happiness.


"American dream - Arican way of life - etc..." no doubt about this, mostly peoples in the world have admired it enviously in one way or another to do as American does/did, just because it intend in itself "social win and success" in their minds. But how about this dream... Is it true that every people have access to it or is it an unreachable one... What means "social win and success" for people... Being happy and having a big car, a wonderful house, and the best job for building your own little realm full of gold? This is not for everyone, only a few people have the favour to access on, sometimes you need to be spoon-fed or be born with a silver spoon in your mouth, please don't see jealousy or bad meanings from me, it is just a matter of facts.


In many instances, the collective awareness depends on priority and/or political and economical orientations of a country, and collective behavior have not the same signification between a country and others. In a collective point of view, ways of thinking may differ if you live in America, Europea, Asia, Africa, or Australia for various reasons. It depends on so many parameters. About the way to be happy, priorities are not the same if you are a citizen of U.S. and a native Australian: you will sometimes be happy for having a new car or just trying to survive in natural environment. It is so far easy to find other examples...


Often becoming conscious of that difference could already be too much for some people... and this is not going too far to have said that.


"The power of media..." nowadays the media have a real big influence in our everyday life. Their powers grows in impact, as they show us a way of life based on consumption's needs... What's about our needs? It goes the same way as our dream for happiness, some are useful and others too superficial, and most people are falling in the second category. Of course, we are living in a material world, but the media's market expansion strategy make profit in it for growing in impact, and so having the power to show their absolute needs in our life... without them our dreams of happiness simply doesn't exist... It is quite as simple as that. Hopefully, most of the people are wise for making choices, but how many of them?


"Stereotyped needs" All the time, we could see many examples of stereotyped needs in our life. How could imagine today a world without cellular phones, just for an epic one? I recently watched on a french TV channel a criticism about the impact of Fast-foods in America, as we have in France a different point of view in usual food. Scientists have made a lot of search in that way, and obesity is becoming a serious healthy problem in all the world. Before the conclusion, reporters have interviewed the Big-boss of the most famous one, don't need to say whom, and at the end he had to answer at this question: "Are your hamburger good for health...", do you think he put an answer in style of "...no, don't buy them..." His answer was: "My hamburger are the best in the world, and they are good for health..." In the conclusion, scientists gave refutation on his response...


So, I'll stop here as a pm is not enough to address all aspects of this problem, just take a look on this little thought-worthy words:


"Let the people dreaming on something you need

and they would leave you quiet for growing your powers...

Don't give them abilities whereof dreaming

and they will go in hurt and lead you away making you weakly..."


In conclusion:


It's simply a question of common sense and gesture of goodwill to give good guidances for making a better world for everyone, not an ego one, just endly to understand each other and not tear each other to pieces... :smile:





Sorry for this long pm, and thank you for reading it entirely...

a sensible point of view I think!

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Here in America we know that we aren't all fat, lazy idiots, but I don't think the negative views of our society by outsiders are all unjustified, unfounded perceptions. (Here I go media-bashing again.) What outsiders see of us the most is in our media, in our news reports, advertisements and entertainment. If I were an alien (extraterrestrial, not illegal) preparing to visit America by observing its media, I would eventually come to the conclusion that the people here are materialistic, vain hedonists. So one step in the solution to our international opinion problems would be to modify what the media says about us. But that course of action obviously would involve government controlled censorship, sparking issues concerning our rights to freedom of speech.


Which, theoretically speaking, is the only way to get rid of the ideas that other nations have about us. Although as you said, it interferes with our basic rights (in this instance, freedom of speech), and therefore is a controversial move. The best thing we can do is to continue to ignore the media whenever they bring up topics like these and instead research this ourselves or find published reliable sources for the info. The media has only as much power as the consumers who buy their merchandise give them. Without support from consumers and money (which they get through the consumers themselves), they can't last. It sounds harsh, but it isn't breaking the tight to freedom of speech.

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  • 3 weeks later...
they are better than all the english around here, england is going down hill................ :wallbash:

:down: :down: :down: :down:

Wrong !

You're talking nonsense !

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Here in America we know that we aren't all fat, lazy idiots, but I don't think the negative views of our society by outsiders are all unjustified, unfounded perceptions. (Here I go media-bashing again.) What outsiders see of us the most is in our media, in our news reports, advertisements and entertainment. If I were an alien (extraterrestrial, not illegal) preparing to visit America by observing its media, I would eventually come to the conclusion that the people here are materialistic, vain hedonists. So one step in the solution to our international opinion problems would be to modify what the media says about us. But that course of action obviously would involve government controlled censorship, sparking issues concerning our rights to freedom of speech.


Which, theoretically speaking, is the only way to get rid of the ideas that other nations have about us. Although as you said, it interferes with our basic rights (in this instance, freedom of speech), and therefore is a controversial move. The best thing we can do is to continue to ignore the media whenever they bring up topics like these and instead research this ourselves or find published reliable sources for the info. The media has only as much power as the consumers who buy their merchandise give them. Without support from consumers and money (which they get through the consumers themselves), they can't last. It sounds harsh, but it isn't breaking the tight to freedom of speech.

That does work - theoretically. Until people stop being gullible and believing everything the media tells them is true, the media will continue to influence society's values and morals. Which is to say people will continue being idiots. :closedeyes:

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they are better than all the english around here, england is going down hill................ :wallbash:

:down: :down: :down: :down:

Wrong !

You're talking nonsense !

hahaha here comes UK47 the true English patriot.




well if Americans are stupid, then how the heck did they make a country, in 150 years which is one of the greatest countrys in the world. It has more money then all E.U. All of those who think Americans are stupid are just brainwashed people who don't really know whats going on there. Of course they are stuff that are not awesome in U.S. I don't know a country which is younger then U.S. to succeed and grow like that. Also think about immigrants. All people all over the world are trying to get to United States.

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well if Americans are stupid, then how the heck did they make a country, in 150 years which is one of the greatest countrys in the world. It has more money then all E.U. All of those who think Americans are stupid are just brainwashed people who don't really know whats going on there. Of course they are stuff that are not awesome in U.S. I don't know a country which is younger then U.S. to succeed and grow like that. Also think about immigrants. All people all over the world are trying to get to United States.

It's a slow degradation of modern mentality - not just in the US, but everywhere in the world. And those immigrants are, for lack of better words, wrong to emigrate to N. America. As it stands, specifically here in Canada, 1 in 5 people are landed immigrants, and wish to become Canadian citizens. And now our government wishes to tighten immigration laws and make it harder to be a Canadian citizen. Immigrants also strain the health system as they're not used to N.American culture.

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